View Full Version : Neat idea for Tecate tank

07-09-2004, 08:55 PM
I'm visiting Austin from Canada and I'm getting to see alot of cool things and meeting some interesting people. I was down on 6th street last nite and met a guy who does sidewalk paintings with cans of spraypaint. His artwork is indeed something that you would have to see to believe, paintings of starscapes and planets, simply amazing, I wouldn't have believed it could have been done if I had not seen it. So I'm looking on and my older brother who is helping me pay for this bike says that it would be cool if you could get your tank down here and get him to paint it with some designs you want. So now I'm thinking I'll buy a tank off eBay and get it painted with some Fox Racing fox heads, 1 on each side and TECATE painted down the backside of the tank and then send it home from here. Shipping to Austin is cheaper than sending my tank from home and then back again, and it doesnt matter what colour tank I start with either. So I'm looking at the shipping cost, 50 bucks for this guys time and maybe another 50 for the Krylon paint I'll get him to use. Sound like a plan?

07-09-2004, 10:08 PM
You cannot paint plastic tanks. The gas will send vapors through them and make the paint bubble.

I used to work on 6th street when I went to the University of Texas...cool stuff !

07-09-2004, 10:09 PM
sounds like a good plan to me,I would get it done.Make sure you clear coat the tank when it is finished.

07-09-2004, 10:16 PM
Darius the place rocks, so much cool stuff. Where I'm from the city is known to have the highest number of bars on one city block in Canada.

As for the tank, yeah I'm gonna go ahead with it and I will clearcoat it when its done. Just gotta save up the cash.

07-10-2004, 12:12 AM
6th street is the bomb......I work right there everyday at the TEXAS LOTTERY COMMISSION..... Anyway scrap the krylon paint idea, unless you plan not to put petrol in the tank. Darius is right on, gas vapors will eventually bubble the paint on the tank. There is however an additive you add to commercial grade paints at your local paint store that will enable the paint to stick better as well as flex. It's a 3-stage process with primer basecoat and clear.....look into it....Also custom decals can be made also (123stickers.com) can do anything......

07-12-2004, 09:39 AM
Back in the 95, I got one expensive ticket for taking my beer out of a bar on 6th street. I was there with a group of friends for my brother's bachelor party. we went into a bar and I bought a beer and everyone decided to go back out on the street. So Instead of slamming the beer down like I should have, I just strolled out with it. Walked about 4 steps down the side walk and then took a drink and about 5 bicycle cops instantly "descended" on me. They were cool though, told me to finish it or chunk it. I drank it down and then they presented my ticket for "open glass container in a curfew area". And then they just dissapeard as mysteriously as they had appeared before I could even plead ignorance. I didn't worry too much about it BUT I didn't know at the time that the fine would end up being $175. :eek: I was able to make 3 payments. :beer I haven't been back since. But I'll never forget this black guy out on the steet playing electric bass singing "I'm the Tiger Baby,,,, Rowwwrrr!!".

Good luck painting the tank! If it's a trike your going to ride it's allot of money to have the paint job scrape off from your knees or have the gas bubble it off.