View Full Version : 350x problems!

07-01-2004, 05:30 PM
Ok, I put a cobra pipe on the 350x, and it has a K&N I rode about two tankfulls with out changing the jetting, and it wont even start now, So what the hell is going on with this thing? Im about to send it down the **edited** road!! Did I burn somthing out or what? I need help....FAST!! What is up with this damn thing!?!?

07-01-2004, 06:03 PM
well it sounds to me like u **edited** it up but im no exspert lol im just jokin with u amc

07-01-2004, 06:11 PM
Come to find out it was already jetted, it had a 145 main...so what is my problem here, it still wont start! IM getting pissed at this thing!

07-01-2004, 07:10 PM
Come to find out it was already jetted, it had a 145 main...so what is my problem here, it still wont start! IM getting pissed at this thing!

First,i would check the plug.If it's black and smells like gas,then your running rich.When your running too rich it will foul plugs.The stock size main jet is a 138.With just a pipe and filter you won't need a 145.I would start with the stock size jet and go from there.Fuel lines could be clogged also.The cdi could have went too but the jetting i know is way too big for what you have for mods.

07-01-2004, 07:16 PM
i hope u have check gas fire and compresion

07-02-2004, 12:13 AM
I agree with Brian.... I only went from the stock jetting 138 to a 142 with my Cobra and UNI filter... check your plug. My 4x4 quit running after I used it hard to pull an old sled up to part out. Went to start it the next time and nothing.... bout ran the battery down trying to get it to fire up. Popped a new plug in it, cranked it over and it idled like a kitten.

If you really want to ditch your X, I'll come get that $100 kickstarter off it! :p


07-02-2004, 08:50 AM
Ok, Guys...thanks I'll change to the 145...and I don't think I would send it down the road that easy buddy..I was just pissed :p

07-02-2004, 09:39 AM
Oh...almost forgot.... MR ATC also thinks that 350X of mine has a high compression piston in it too. That may make a difference on the jetting.

airmancam... I was just dogging you out about that kickstarter... ;) I knew you were joking.


07-02-2004, 12:08 PM
thats what you get ! make fun of me b.c i cant get my apart again and ill make sure it never starts! muhahahahhahahaha

hope u get it right !

07-02-2004, 09:12 PM
Come to think of it,if you ran it with that size jetting and had no problems with two tanks full of gas,until now,i'm surprised it ran.My reason:I was riding my 85 r at a buddy's track one day,i was half way around the track when it just quit on me.Checked everything(plug,electrical connections,gas,lines,etc)couldn't figure it out.Wouldn't start either.Come to find out it was the cdi.Like Bruce and i said,start with a stock or a 140 jet,and if it doesn't start look at your spark or connections.

07-02-2004, 09:33 PM
Change your plug.. the same thing happened to me.

07-04-2004, 03:37 AM
Hope your rings arnt taking a crap on you...

07-04-2004, 01:46 PM
Well, I think I just got some water in my gas, I just got back from camping, and haven't d!cked around with it yet. But, before I left I towstarted it and it was running like sh!t like it had water in he gas, it was bucking and spitting and spuddering. It has a brand new plug. So, im just gonna get some more gas and fill it up, then drain some more gas out. It kicks over fine, so I'm puzzled..lets just hope its water!

07-04-2004, 05:11 PM
I could see water being the problem. I have the same type of problems with my tecate when riding it wet conditions. It will get water in the air box and then it will all of a sudden shut off. Put a new plug in a couple kicks it fires up. The tecates have crap for a so called airbox in my condition. Im planning on making a new one out of aluminum and relocating it. I would also recommend changing the oil if water got in the engine.

3 weelin geezer
07-05-2004, 11:04 AM
if you still wanna send it down the road, Ill give you my address so you can go to the top of the hill and let it go. Ill be waiting at the bottom to catch it. Since getting my 185 s running after about a year of frustration I can spend a little time figuring that out. Even if it takes me a year. :confused: