View Full Version : 350x thumb throttle problems...

06-24-2004, 12:10 AM
ive been fooling with this for awhile,it sticks a little at 1/8 throttle,enough to have to put a little pressure on it ,then its breaks loose and its pegged,because of the pressure you have to use.ive replaced the cable,took the thumb throttle out cleaned,greased it.even looked in the carb and lubed in there[behind the black plastic cover]it only does it once in awhile,but its a pain when it happens.tonight i removed the return spring under the throttle cover on the handle bars.just to see if that maybe is causing anything...anyone have an idea??

06-24-2004, 05:23 AM
get a new thumb throttle only thing i can think of

06-24-2004, 05:47 AM
sounds like you've been through it from end to end quite abit ,,,, how about cable routing ? perhaps it is getting bound or pinched due to that.


06-24-2004, 10:40 PM
i,ll keep messing with it,i rode today for like an hour and it was fine....i keep you posted....

06-24-2004, 10:54 PM
Last time I rode my '86 it seemed to have this problem. It almost seemed like it was a cramp in my thumb and I couldn't push it any more, but then I'd apply more pressure and it would go. Does it only do it when its running? Maybe you could pull the cable out of the throttle housing and pull it with your fingers and see if it does it, and while its out press the thumb lever with your thumb and see if it binds? With my '86 I figured it would have been in the cable. Does it only do it when the bars are turned a certain way?

06-24-2004, 11:00 PM
now that you mention it,it does seem do it only when running.doesnt seem to matter about position of the bars though.wonder if it has something to do internally[like buildup or scuffs on the slide in the carb?]mine is "minimal" as far as it sticking,but it really pisses me off,its always at a bad time too! like a hill or corner....

06-25-2004, 08:54 AM
On one of my Z's, the spring will catch in the throttle slide, and the cure is to rotate the spring 180 degrees.

06-26-2004, 06:15 PM
i will try that,i have had pretty good luck lately with it not sticking.maybe all the cussing and swearing fixed it!!!

06-26-2004, 07:30 PM
Just been dealing with that problem myself. I had put a 250r carb on it as a temp fix. I got a 350x from hondaatcvabeach on this site and tried that carb. It didn't work but checked the slide on both and my old one was scuffed bad and kept sticking at 1/8th to 1/4 throttle. I swapped the slide and have a regular 350x carb on my bike again. Try to see if the slide is scuffed and if it is, I don't know if you can get a replacement from Kehihn or not, or Honda. Worth checking though. :beer

06-28-2004, 11:18 PM
my slide is scuffed pretty bad,can you wire wheel down,or does it have a coating of something on it?

06-28-2004, 11:23 PM
i doubt unless its real rough feeling that your slide is the problem, if it was anything in the carb, it would probly be sand or dirt rubbing in the slide, spray some wd 40 or carb cleaner or something like that in the slide area and the slide.,, sounds like a problem in the thumb throttle to me though

06-29-2004, 01:58 AM
Also, check that your spring in the slide is in the groove on the cap. If it isn't, it gets offset, and will stick right around the 1/4 throttle range. Take the cable out of the throttle assembly. Push the thing with your thumb. Does it still stick? Now pull the cable. DOes it stick? This should tell you where it is. Also, make sure that the little nub on the cable fits snugly in the throttle arm inside the assembly. If the cable is twisted, etc, the cable will hang up immediately, and them break loose. You can tell if it isn't right because it will make a clicking sound when you move the throttle from idle to 1/4. Hope that helps.