View Full Version : Dealers Parts Books for Old ATCs For Sale

EZ in NZ
06-18-2004, 04:33 PM
This guy is about an hour away from me. Selling all kinds of parts books with a few ATC models listed/shown.

If anyone wants one of them, let me know and I can get it from him and sort something out with you direct.

NZ exchange rate means they would be about $13US each to buy for his listed price.


Just thought I'd post it in case anyone collects this type of stuff.


06-19-2004, 12:53 AM
I would love to have the ATC250RB Manual! Even chip in some extra $$$$ for your trouble!!!

Please let me know if you win the auction!


EZ in NZ
06-19-2004, 03:48 AM

I wasn't going to bid on any of these for myself but if you're 100% wanting it I'll try and get it for you. Let me know. He has no reserve on these with a start of $20NZ and it ends on Tuesday so there's a good chance I will get it for that price. No guarantees I guess.

Let me know if you want it for sure and we can work out after that how I can get it to you. Also, if there is other bids on it before it ends, how high you want me to go. Sound good?


06-19-2004, 09:14 AM
Yes.... I definitely want it. The HONDA part numbers are the same internationally right?? I have parts manuals on CD for my 350X, 85-86 250R, and all the Yamaha 3wheelers, and I'd like to have the parts numbers for the 82 R as well. Been very helpful to compare parts and find availability at Service HONDA, etc.... Heck, maybe I could make my own CD of the 81-82 R's???

I'll pm you about $$$$ stuff.... and be in contact with you on Tuesday to see what's up!


EZ in NZ
06-19-2004, 04:29 PM
Cool. Got your PM. Yep...part numbers are the same around the globe.

I'll get it for you.


06-22-2004, 10:32 AM
Hi Guys, how did you go? I tried to bid for the other gear but they wanted $10.00 NZ to be able to bid! Scared me off for I couldn't even contact the seller to see how much shipping was. I should have taken Andy's offer up instead! Regards Fester :beer

EZ in NZ
06-22-2004, 03:23 PM

I won the auction for Bruce for the 250R book. Is there one you want because there's a good chance I'll go and pick the book up personally and I'll see if I can get yours if you like.

None of the others sold at auction.

Let me know


06-23-2004, 09:09 PM
Hello Andy, thanks for the offer and being a collector I will take the whole lot but I will not ask you to get them for me. The reason being it will be a few $$$ to fork out of your pocket and a hic-cup can always happen, but thank you for your kind offer. If possible can you get the chaps e-mail address and post it to me on a personal message so I can contact him about money exchange and shipping cost. I purposely didn't send this on personal message to show the other guys how great this site is for info and people helping people, a rare thing now days! Thanks again Andy and hope I can return the favour one day, will be in contact. Regards Fester. :beer

EZ in NZ
06-23-2004, 09:23 PM
Cool. Will do Fester - I'll get his email address and let you know.

