View Full Version : Man, this thing needs some work !!

06-15-2004, 12:26 AM
G'day all.
Needing some helpfull advice from those with knowledge, as I am a "born again" rider after a 20 year lay off. Picked up an '88 "super red" 250esj, dirt cheap over here in Australia. Seems to run ok, but in need of an over hall.
Can anyone give advice on (a) engine - just wanting to keep it stock, its blows a heap of smoke,even after an oil change, and doesn't like ideling; (b) brakes - have replaced pads / cables but the frigging thing just wont pull up, and lastly (c) clutch - very clunky !!
Any ideas appreciated.

06-15-2004, 12:29 AM
The engien most liekly needs a set of rings. It probably has been worn out. DOes it still have good compression? Also, check the brake for things that may hang it up. As for the clutch, it may have lost a spring, and need to be replaced.

06-15-2004, 12:37 AM
yeah, rings were on my mind, especially when it makes more choof when cold. Yet to test the compression.Will have a look at the brakes and clutch - many thanks.

EZ in NZ
06-15-2004, 01:54 AM
Welcome aboard Man. There's a few Aussie guys on here that will be sure to jump in and help you with local contacts etc. ATCMatt, Fester, etc


06-15-2004, 07:48 AM
Gday Malrider,

Godo to see you putting the forums to good use. I sent you an email just a bit ago so you should get it in the morning or whenever you check. I daresay you will need new rings. As for it not ideling i think you should take your carb off and give it a thorough clean out with a compressor and some good quality carb cleaner, i use needles to clean out my jets, some people dont like it but nothing has stuffed up for me yet. I belive your trike has the cold start kit on it so remember where all hoses go. If you dont mind taking the hoses off and leaving them off do so (just make sure they are only the cold start ones) the cold start kit is designed for snow tempratures, but thinking now it does get pretty cold there down in act. Anyway.... best of luck on your new rig and let me know if you need anyhelp whatsoever, im happy to help you.


06-15-2004, 10:22 AM
did he say that its and "88???

06-15-2004, 10:47 AM
yes, he did...check out on the main page for quest for the 88's for some info if you havent yet.

i think you should sell it to me and that will fix the problem

06-15-2004, 05:30 PM
hmmmm, let me think about that...... with the US to Aussie $$ exchange rate, and the cost of a decent beer over here....shall we agree on a price, say $1000 USD ???, of course I would need an all expenses paid holiday, taking in the major attractions, and of course Hawaii, to deliver it to you - just to make sure it can handle the change in climate !! lol.

06-16-2004, 08:14 AM
Hey Malrider, you found us and good to see! Looks like the lads from down under @ and the land of the long white cloud have got you on the right track! When you find a way for your better half to part with some $$$ to fix up your trike, please pass the info on to me for my wife (hand brake) has spat the dummy and said NO MORE ### 3 WHEELERS!
But hey that's cool for she said nothing about parts lol!!!But all jokes a side great to see you here. Regards Fester :beer :beer P.S the checks in the mail for the 88/250es and the beers at my place!

06-16-2004, 06:44 PM
Hey Fester, maybe our spouses are related ?? My 1st wife was known as pothole, and number 2 is known as anchor !

06-17-2004, 01:41 AM
Gday Fester,

Did you buy that 250es of malrider or was that a joke?

If you did damn your a lucky sob!


06-17-2004, 01:45 AM
no matt, i am not parting with it that easy !! B.T.W, did you manage to find the part # for the brake bracket thingie ??

06-17-2004, 11:15 AM
Pot hole @ Anchor I like it! LOL Hey Matt you should start dealing with Atc parts ! Are you winning with the 200 diff for me?, take your time but make sure malrider doesnt snipe any of OUR 250es parts of your junker!!!lol. Regards Fester :beer