View Full Version : KX80 carb on yt175 ....

06-14-2004, 09:34 PM
Ok I have a few questions.... jet that was in my 175 = 170 main ...
kx80 218 main. Now Yes it bogs, but is driveable. with the jet being so much bigger does that mean if the 175 were ported "right" would it run alot better?
I mean like 80cc and a 218main VS a 171cc and a 170 main,,,

Also do I just call the kawi dealer and ask them to order a 170 jet for a kx80 ?

06-15-2004, 12:19 AM
Are the carb sizes the same? If so, then it should be fine to get the 170 jet. I would opt for a 175 or 180 though.

06-15-2004, 08:54 AM
yeah the carb sizes are the same. I thought they were like the same carbs until I took it apart and the jets are mad differently.

06-15-2004, 06:36 PM
That 80 carb is most likely more high performance, so a 170 would be a tad lean. I wonder how such a small engine can take such a large jet??

06-15-2004, 07:15 PM
if its a mikuni that makes sence, there on a diffeernt scale then the kehins. a mikuni 400 is like a 200 kehin. stock blasters use a 220, but when you put on a kehin 34mm carb you use a 120-130 and a smaller pilot.

06-15-2004, 08:46 PM
if its a mikuni that makes sence, there on a diffeernt scale then the kehins. a mikuni 400 is like a 200 kehin. stock blasters use a 220, but when you put on a kehin 34mm carb you use a 120-130 and a smaller pilot.

yeah but the yt175 carb is a mikuni too..