View Full Version : Hey Michigan Trikers!
Derrick Adams
06-11-2004, 03:55 PM
We are thinking of going up to Silver Lake to ride, later this Summer.
What do we need to ride there? (permits, liscenses, etc.)
What kind of tires are going to work well?
Thanks for the help.
06-11-2004, 09:58 PM
probbly would be best if you was to look michigan d.n.r - silver lake ( or some wording to that effect )
i think hemichallenger is heading over that way in august if i remember correctly.
sand tires would be the very best but alot of riding can be done on your what evers you got on. as far as equipment + stuff needed ,,, spark arrester, quiet muffler , 10 foot long flag + recomend some kinda proof of ownership. plan on buying temp o.r.v. sticker for your machine(s) plus for the vehical too. ( not sure how much nowdays )
best to look it up before you go ,,,,,,
06-12-2004, 09:14 PM
to ride at silver lake you will need:
orv sticker 16.25
day pass for your trike 6 or 8 bucks
day/season pass for your truck.
10ft flad, 20 bucks at any store/gas station at silver lake
spark arrestor
if your under 16 then you will have to have an ATV cartivicate and an adult with you.
what are the dates you guys are going? I need to take the tri-z and raptor up at least once this summer!!
Derrick Adams
06-12-2004, 11:22 PM
Do we need Michigan ORV's, or will our Ohio work?
Any Idea?
We're going to go later in August. Figured it would be too hot anytime sooner.
06-12-2004, 11:55 PM
You will need to buy a michigan orv sticker. you can but all your stickers at the gate.
it doesnt really get that hot up there. the wind off of lake Michigan keeps things cool.
it sounds like you have never been there trailprotrailpro, Silver lake is a living dune and the hills change day to day and on a really windy day they can change within hours.
just watch the backsides of the hills you can have a smooth downslope or a very steep one.
watch everyone for a few minutes to see what lines they take.
the best part is hangind out on top of "test hill"(the 1st major hill) and watching oters try to climb it.
if you get a date figured out post it I would like to join and would bring others if I have enough notice and time off of work.
06-26-2004, 04:54 PM
to ride at silver lake you will need:
orv sticker 16.25
day pass for your trike 6 or 8 bucks
day/season pass for your truck.
10ft flad, 20 bucks at any store/gas station at silver lake
spark arrestor
if your under 16 then you will have to have an ATV cartivicate and an adult with you.
what are the dates you guys are going? I need to take the tri-z and raptor up at least once this summer!!
Where do I get my son a certificate, he wants to ride on the dunes and is driving me crazy. I bet he asks me at least every other day when we are going.
06-30-2004, 11:23 AM
I took the course through the ATV saftey institute. they should have a website and contact info.
I am not sure if they will let you bring a trike to the course. they might have extra quads to use.
06-30-2004, 12:59 PM
x.system, How old is your son? I got kicked out because TimJr was too young. Youve got to be at least 10, I think it is, to legally ride in Michigan at all, and only then with a the Michigan safety course. Other states courses are not recognized. Idiotic to say the least. Weve been going to the Badlands every year since. You sign in, pay one fee(a lot less) and ride. I find it difficult to enjoy myself when I feel like i need a law degree to understand all the regulations, and am worrying the whole time about which ones I might be accidentally breaking that will ruin my vacation.
06-30-2004, 08:06 PM
x.system, How old is your son? I got kicked out because TimJr was too young. Youve got to be at least 10, I think it is, to legally ride in Michigan at all, and only then with a the Michigan safety course. Other states courses are not recognized. Idiotic to say the least. Weve been going to the Badlands every year since. You sign in, pay one fee(a lot less) and ride. I find it difficult to enjoy myself when I feel like i need a law degree to understand all the regulations, and am worrying the whole time about which ones I might be accidentally breaking that will ruin my vacation.
He's going to be 9 in a few weeks. I was wondering if there was a cut off age for the dunes. I might have to take him to the bad lands then instead, what kind of terrien is there and how congested does it get? I'm taking him camping with the bikes this weekend but thats on private property and we go there alot, he needs a change of scenery soon.
06-30-2004, 10:09 PM
I dont think theyll let him ride at Silver Lake. The Badlands is 3/4 dunes, and 1/4 woods. The Badlands dunes are like a fine pea gravel, not as fine as the Silver Lake's sand and normal mud tires work really well, so paddles arent necessary. The other nice thing is that its nearly abandoned during the week, and not very crowded on weekends. You will have a line in the morning if you get there before it opens, but about 20 minutes later the line is gone. TimJr is 9 years old as well! The Badlands is his all time favorite place to ride. Checkout the link in my signature to my Offroad Pages. There are a ton of Badlands pictures on it. Also check out my post in this forum on our August Badlands ride. You are welcome to join us! TimJr would love to have other kids to ride with.
07-01-2004, 03:14 AM
I've never been to silver lake but it's a big palce here to ride. I do actually plan on going sometime this summer but I have to pick out a date and stuff, I'll probably be going with a few buddies to ride with and I'd be more than happy to meet up with some 3ww guys. There's camp grounds up there as well. I've herd from many people to go during the week if you can that there's nearly no-one riding up there. I'll post up a date If/when I go.
As far as Michigan laws, all law in Michigan is a freaking joke, doesnt matter what it is or what you do. If you stop and think about it nearly anything you do you can be ticketed for. I get nervous driving in traffic and I realize I can get a ticket for every little thing I do because I'm in threat of loosing my liscence.
07-17-2004, 04:29 PM
x.system, How old is your son? I got kicked out because TimJr was too young. Youve got to be at least 10, I think it is, to legally ride in Michigan at all, and only then with a the Michigan safety course. Other states courses are not recognized. Idiotic to say the least. Weve been going to the Badlands every year since. You sign in, pay one fee(a lot less) and ride. I find it difficult to enjoy myself when I feel like i need a law degree to understand all the regulations, and am worrying the whole time about which ones I might be accidentally breaking that will ruin my vacation.
I went up to silver lake last weekend, ended up talking to one of the dnr guys and he said 12 is the age limit. There is no noise level yet for bikes but they do check trucks. Spark arrestor is required and they check that every time you enter the dunes.
The voucher system really bites to, we got up there at 9am saturday morning and all parking lot vouchers were gone, we had to wait for an opening so we waited for an hour and nobody got in yet so we dumped the trailer at a friends cottage and loaded 3 quads on a dune ready truck to get in.
Vouchers are required for every holiday and every weekend. If you are going to park in the parking lot you can get a voucher the night before for the following day, I would highly recomend doing this if you want to get in there on a weekend unless you go in dune ready which means you drive in and go directly to the dunes, no parking in the parking lot.
Dune ready vouchers are also required on holidays and weekend but they are much easyer to get.
You can have someone get your voucher for you to but they will need your name, vehicle make and model and lisence number.
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