View Full Version : pull cord...

06-08-2004, 02:53 PM
Buddies pull cord broke on a '83 185. What kind of rope is best to use? Maybe dealer has this item? or a lawnmower shop?

How long does it need to be? (rope in it now wasnt original and who knows if it was the right length)

Is it a pain to replace?

atc krazy
06-08-2004, 03:03 PM
alright i got some rope from walmart for 2.75 it was 50 feet. and i cut about 4 feet of it and when u take it a part twist that thing that holds the rope to the left a little and pull it out slowly. the rope was 120 lb rated so it wont brake agine.it was nilon boat rope stuff

06-08-2004, 03:06 PM
Go to the hardware shop to get the cord. Most all the lawnmower ones are alittle too thin for my liking. I got around 2 ft of cord to have extra if I needed it.

06-08-2004, 03:07 PM
you can buy some at lawnmower shops for a couple of bucks. putting itn back together is kinda a pain. you mite try looking at the manual, it mite say some easy way to put it back together

06-08-2004, 03:52 PM
anyone know the standard size? As I said, this rope in it is wack thats in it.
So some nylon rope huh? Just need to know what size and we're off to Wal Mart :D

06-08-2004, 04:08 PM
by the way trailprotrailpro gonna need 2 ppl to do it right. first thang to do is wind up the spring then one hold it while the other put the rope though. tie a not then put the handle on. then let it wined it self in till all the rope is in. u proble should wind the spring up about 4 to 5 turns depending on how much rope u put it and how worn out trailprotrailpro spring is. then hold it and the other can put the rest back together. hope that helps ;) .

06-08-2004, 04:16 PM
Threewheelin's right. it's definitely a much easier job with 2 people. I've pulled out plenty of ropes and that job is one I hate to handle. I've allowed my recoil spring to get loose on me and that turns it into an hour or 2 long fight for me. be careful to not pull the rope housing out of the cover.

I bought a trike from a friend and he had replaced the rope with sheathed? steel cable. I'd guess it to be 3/16 or quarter inch in diameter if not bigger and it has a clear poly sheath that covers it. He said he hated fixing broken ropes as well. If I had to do it again, I'd find some more coated steel cable. I'm pretty sure he picked it up from our local hardware store.

just my $.02


06-08-2004, 04:20 PM
I might look into some steel cable...how thick should I get? Oh yeah, how did he knot it? Or is it plyable enough to knot it ? Thanx

06-08-2004, 04:39 PM
I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. he put what I'd call a lug on it. That may not be the right term. He came out of the handle, folded the cable and clamped a lug on it so the lug fits down into the "knot notch" in the handle and I have about a quarter inch loop that comes out of the top of my handle. I know they make u-bolt clamps that are really small that might work. This lug was just a piece of steel or aluminum that he crimped onto the cable.

Sorry if that made no sense. I can take a pic of it if you'd like.


06-08-2004, 04:57 PM
Yeah, post that pic please. That is what i figured. I am noy sure what those are called, but I know what you are talking about.

C W.
06-08-2004, 08:25 PM
First of all do you see the little notch in the pully.that notch is there so the rope can hang out when you spool the spring up.Then you woble the spool around while you stuff the rope in. Hold the tention on the spring the hole time you stuff the rope in.Then stick in thru the hole and pinch in with some vicegrips so it doesent suck back in.If you don't under stand these directions you will figure out your own method soon enough,whatever works.I did this a zilion times then I switched to steel cable.I thought vinel coated cable would be best at first but the coating quickly wor off and caused trouble with recoil.I then used regular cable and it worked great.The cable size is 3/16 and the clamps are called bull dog clamps or simply cable clamps.Sory about the spelling and good luck.

06-09-2004, 12:20 AM
which spring are you guys saying to wind 5-6 times?? the one at the bottom (the big ass coil that looks like if it would fall out I'd be PISSED) or the one that goes underneath the cover with the two hook on it?

"be careful not to pull the rope housing out of the cover"

what do you consider the rope housing and the cover?

I have a feeling this is gonna be 'entertaining' to say the least :Evil

Suprised no one has done a detailed write up with pictures on this. Do you guys have write ups on this board?

Anything that should be lubricated while its apart...if so, what type of lubricant?

06-09-2004, 12:48 AM
i just took mine to the dealer and they got me a good cord

06-09-2004, 09:45 AM

I don't know if the link will work but bikebandit has a great view of the recoil. I was just saying that you run the risk of pulling the spring/coil out of the metal case if you pull the plastic? pulley straight up. the "big A#%" coil is connected to the pulley with a small notch on the center of the pulley. I was just saying, if that coil gets a chance to jump out, it will and you don't want to be in the way.

I'm not trying to be dramatic, I'm just saying it's a much easier job if you leave the pulley in the case.

You're basically trying to wind the bare pulley as to pretension the coil, attach your rope so when you let go of the pulley, it sucks your rope in for you.


06-09-2004, 12:00 PM
I was looking at some pictures last night and its starting to make more sensse now. I at least have somewhat of an understanding on what you guys are talking about now. Let me see if I have it straight:

So dont remove the pulley (that the rope goes around).
Just wind it up so there is tension....hold it there...put the new rope through and tie it and let it go (slowly) and it will pull the rope in on its own?

So I just need to take the top part off....the holding plate (with the four phillip screws) and the plate in the center that has the 'feet' that come out and retract out of the center?

What about the surrouning plastic part that the cable attaches too? #20 in this link http://houseofmotorcycles.bikebandit.com/partsbandit/oem_schematic_view.asp?schem_dept_id=179757&section_dept_id=1&section_dept_name=OEM+Parts&dept_type_id=2&model_dept_year=1983&model_dept_mfr=Honda&model_dept_id=179184&model_dept_name=ATC185S

Does that need to come out?

This is making more sense...if I am understanding it right. :D

ANother question....should anything be lubed up inside? If so, what should I use? What keeps water from getting in the cord hole?
Once I pulled the cover off the bike, it doesnt look to pretty in there, like water had gotten in there, will it hurt anything? Should I take it apart and clean it somehow? There is some rust/corrosion/mildew in there. Looks like its been that way for a while.


06-09-2004, 11:23 PM
I went to Home Depot the other day and got 5/32 "metal rope" as they call steel cable (preferablly the cable with the plastic around it). And installed it into the 200s recoil. So far it works. It's only had maybe 20 pulls on it so far.. Geez the Idea of never replacing a rope. I sure hope the recoil can with stand strength of "metal rope". all cable and hardware was a buck or two...

06-10-2004, 12:36 AM
Alright, I got it off and thought I did as you said, but he plastic 'pulley' came out. And he spring that attaches to that came out. I thougt I put it all back together right, but I guess not. It worked great before I put the final washer and E clip on. THe I pull and it recoils REAL slow and doent take the rope all the way in.
I dont know what I did and I took it back apart an did it agian, same thing.
I wound the metal pulley up abou 6 time like suggested, held it there, used piece of wire to pull the rope through, tied it in a not and let the recoil pull the rope back through. Everything worked fine until that retaining E clip and washer were put on.

Any ideas on what I did wrong? The plastic outter ring doesnt have to be in a certain spot in relation to the center metal pulley (that the rope works around) does it?

Does it matter if you put the outter plastic ring on with the rope all inside? Or does it have to be unwound or?

This is frustrating taking it apart 3 time and evertime is wrong! :Evil

06-10-2004, 12:57 AM
You need to wind it more. 6 times doesn't put enough tension on the spring and doesn't suck the rope back in. Keep trying...

06-10-2004, 01:10 AM
Wow, that is gonna get difficult isnt it! :D
So its normal for it to work good, suck it back in no problem before the final clip if its not wound enough? Cuase it work great/fast before that final center spring, washer and E clip is o.

Just wanna make sure its not something else.

Sounds like you may have had this problem before though :D

Now do I HAVE to pull out the outer plastic ring? I think I do, but I wanna make sure I am not doing 'extra' steps

Once I get the rope in, I can let it suck itself in and then reasseble the outter plastic ring etc, right? It doesnt have to be assembled with the rope out/tension on everything?

Thanks alot!

06-10-2004, 01:17 AM
seeing how much of a PIA this is, I am wondering if I should just go get some metal cale and clamps an be done with it! But I see some dont use the plastic coating because it comes off. What keeps the non coated cable from rusting?

Also, what keeps water from getting in the the hole in the cover where the rope comes out?

06-10-2004, 01:19 AM
Yes, I have had this problem before. :D I have found cussing alot helps. LOL. Uh, yeah it sounds like you got it. Just refrain from pulling the rope before the clip and all thats on, because it will make that big spring come out(had that happen before). Yes, you can let rope suck itself back in then assemble the rest. thanx PS, you should go ahead and put the metal cable in while you have it apart. ;) Nothing keeps the cable from rusting, but I think with the coating it would hold moisture in and speed up the process. I would think the handle keeps the water out pretty much.

06-10-2004, 01:39 AM
sweet! Thanks! Guess I'll go pick up some metal cable and the clamps.
Is there a special tool for to crimp the ends I need to get or?
5/32" I guess is what I'll get....I think thats what I saw....actually the 1/4" rope was a little difficult to get through....maybe I'll get 1/4" cable...or even 3/16".
I am sure even 3/16' cable has to be stronger than rope!

06-10-2004, 02:06 AM
Well, the 5/32 might work with yours. Because I replaced a rope on a 110 and they have huge openings for the ropes. I am sure the pull starter cases can't be too much different. Oh, I just read your post again, you should get the 3/16". I am pretty sure the cable is much stronger than rope lol. I am going to get some cable tommorow. I hate replacing ropes. The problem I have is not how strong the rope is, just that it gets worn away by being pulled so much(with the peices of crap I buy lol). thanx PS you shouldn't need any special tools, actually, with the clamps they were talking about, I think it is just a couple bolts you tighten on the clamp.

06-10-2004, 11:43 AM
I was thinking about the cable.....do you think that would wear away the aluminum/metal constantly rubbing against it where it comes out of the case? Hmmmmm....then metal shavings wouild get inside....wonder if its really worth it.
what do you think?

06-10-2004, 05:09 PM
there should be calmps on the shelf right near the cable. I got the type that just crimp on..I have also wondered about wear on the recoil itself, but oh well..

06-10-2004, 06:04 PM
I would rather replace housings than those damn pull-ropes! :D

06-11-2004, 12:27 PM
Pull Start Rebuild - This Is All That You Will Need (http://www.s10home.com/offroad/atc/rebuild-200s-pullstart.html)

06-11-2004, 01:44 PM
I already did two of them, a little different than you showed, but it worked. That is a great write up!

as far as the 'Geeze' comment, not sure how you meant that, but if someone hasnt done it before, they are not gonna know, and you dont learn unless you ask questions.

That link should be made a sticky or put in a tech write up folder on the site.
I am sure i am not the last person who will be asking this same question
Thanks guys!

06-11-2004, 08:22 PM
wow thats way different than the one on my '84 200 M. I ripped the cord right out of its housing all i did was wind up the pulley tie my cord back in and let it go. it winds up the cord then I put it back on my bike.