View Full Version : z irratic reving! Carb?

05-31-2004, 02:59 PM
hi my z flutuates its revs when its on tick over!!
cinda like: rrrRRrrRrrRrrRRRrrrR
lol now i feel like a twit!!

anyways any idea what the problem is?

it also does it when i'm deaccelerating down hills!!

06-01-2004, 11:14 AM
It sounds like an air leak. Check the boot from the cylnder to the carb. Spray some WD-40 around the boot when the trike is running. See if the revs go up.

Also while the trike is running push the carb from side to side. Usually a tear in the boot will open up when you push the carb to one side. This will cause the revs to increase...thus you know you have an air leak.

You will be better off changing the boot anyway.