View Full Version : No, No, No, No.......

05-24-2004, 02:50 AM
No, no, no, no,...SHE DON'T SMOKE NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
For the guys that went to TF03 you know what this is about!!! You could see which trail my T3 had been down 10 mins after because of the smoke trail left behind LOL.
NEW CRANK SEALS IN THE TECATE!!! What a difference it makes to have no oil in the crank. I had to lose the KX cluch basket, the KX 500 springs and put a KXT head gasket in BUT she is all set and running again. I will be trying to fix the axle bearrings tomarrow and if that goes rite I will install my +5 CRAZY-G swinger extender! I found a place that will make me a +5 brake line and I have a new chain waiting for it.
HAGEN... That case tool ROCKS. The guy that helped me w/ the seals wanted it as payment for the job, I told him NO it was mine LOL. If you make another tool set let me know I told him I'd try to get 1 for him.
As of now it looks like I will have the T3 at TF04!! The only thing that would keep it home is if we lose 1 person from my group, 1 fewer and we are a 1 truck trip, and the main trailor is FULL.

See you at TF04
MIK6 / Mike

05-24-2004, 06:13 AM
Nice bra, I should have mine there too. Mine still needs alittle tinkering to get running 100%. Maybe I could use one of the tecate gurus at TF to assist in my tuning. If my trailer has room the t-3 is going..........peace

05-24-2004, 08:04 AM
You are considering NOT bringing a 3 wheeler to a 3 wheeler gathering????

05-24-2004, 11:14 AM
The first year I went to TF it was for the trikes, I made alot of friends.
The 2nd year I went to meet HAGEN, and to ride w/ my friends.
This year it is all about meeting up w/ friend. I don't care if I have a trike, quad, buggy, BMX, or a shopping cart for that matter. I do know I recently spent $7000 on a new ATV and I would hate to leave it home. If that means no T3 so be it, I will always have atleast 1 tecate to ride when the mood strikes me. Don't forget that I have alot of trikes that I do keep in running order at all times, that should be enuff. I hope that w/o a trike in attendance that I would still be welcome. I know I will not be the only trikeless guy at TF.
WOW.... I really want to bring the T3 and I am defending myself. LOL ohh well.

MIK6 / Mike

05-24-2004, 11:19 AM
Wow Mike that was just like me the past year and half or so. I sold my last trike to Howie(big red) and got a quad. But then started hanging out with all trike guys got me back in the mood and now I am worse than every. In less than 6-8 months I have bought and sold probably 15 trikes LOL. But I think its the getting to meet others from the boards that is the cool part. The riding trikes is the added bonus...........peace

05-24-2004, 12:08 PM
just a simple question, thats all.

05-24-2004, 05:14 PM

You find those other 200E parts??? Bring them to Trikefest if you do..... I'll be there with Holic with my 350X('s). Unfortunately, we'll be short of room for the 200E, plus I haven't got it all together yet anyhow!!

Thanks! :TrikesOwn
