View Full Version : 1985 Honda 250SX Starter Gear Problems

05-14-2004, 01:08 PM
I have a 1985 Honda 250SX and the starter gear keeps breaking. I have replaced the one way clutch just about 8-12 months ago and it seems to be okay still. The only thing I can figure is the gears on the starter do not look very good. My question is what else could be causing these gears to break. At least this set lasted quite awhile but still shouldn't happen within a year.

05-14-2004, 03:35 PM
I have a 250es..I think they are the same. The starter gears were making noise while the bike was running, like they was not disengaged all the way. The starter does'nt work so we removed all associated gears between the starter and the flywheel. Kickstarts on 1 kick so no electric start is no problem. Does not make any more noise. I believe Howdy knows of the problem....it is somewhat common. There is some type of fix, I think.

05-14-2004, 05:44 PM
I need a little more information to be able to answer this more accuratly.

Which one-way clutch did you replace? The one on the flywheel or the one that is a part of the centrifical clutch?

How bad are the teeth on the starter? When you replaced the gears did you make sure the replacement gears had the same amount of teeth?

Just for everyones knowledge: Honda used a couple different gears for the electric starter. Some of these had more teeth than others. I don't have the information in front of me for exactly what number teeth went on what machine. We looked at this a while back at the shop and found ( via a honda microfiche ) that there was 3 or 4 different combinations.
Since I found out this information, I have been recommending replacing them as a set. This eliminates any chance of mis-matching gears and causing more damage. ;)

Sam, Your too kind!!

05-14-2004, 06:32 PM
Which one-way clutch did you replace? The one on the flywheel or the one that is a part of the centrifical clutch?
I replaced the one on the behind the centrifical clutch and replaced the starter gears as a set. The gears on the starter are in my opinion pretty wore. Is there anyway I can tell if the clutch behind the flywheel is bad? I have to take the left crankcase cover off anyway to fix the shifting problem that I am experiancing also.

05-14-2004, 07:45 PM
The easiest way I know of to check the one-way clutch is to try and pull start the machine. Other signs something isn't right is a wirling sound coming from the right side of the motor when the motor is turned off.

I will do some checking at the shop while I am out there ( starter gears ). I might have over looked something in my posting above. ;)

05-14-2004, 08:27 PM
Should of mentioned this earlier but the kickstart is still working perfect. When the one way clutch behind the centrifical clutch went bad last time it didn't work at all. Also when you turn the engine off there is no whirling sound like last time the one way clutch went bad before. So with that said I think it is safe to say the one way clutch behind the centrifical clutch is good.
Do you know of a way to check the 1-way clutch behind the flywheel (left Side)?

Attached below is a pic of the starter itself. The gear is a little worse than I thought. This has to be what is causing the rest of my problem.
What do you think?

erveryday cajun
05-17-2004, 11:46 PM
when you cut it off do you hear a spinning sound than a tump if you do than change the cutlh.gearv parts will go in magneetwo and kill it

05-18-2004, 07:51 AM
when you cut it off do you hear a spinning sound than a tump if you do than change the cutlh.gearv parts will go in magneetwo and kill it
I do not hear the the spinning followed up with the clunk when I shut the engine down. That problem I fixed last year by replacing the one way clutch behind the centrifical clutch. I am pretty sure this has happend this time cause the gears on the starter are basically in non-existance in one spot causing the reductions gears to slip and break. Everything else looks good so this will be my next part to chase down.

09-14-2016, 10:36 PM
I know this is an old post but does Howdy or anyone else mind taking a look at the post I have in the new member section. I am wondering if it is the One-way on the flywheel side that took out my starter gear. I have replaced the One-Way on the clutch side already and still took out the gear. You can hear with the gear removed that it still has a clunk to it. Here is the link
