View Full Version : 200x probs update.

12-20-2002, 02:17 AM
After I was advised to check the fuel flow because my bike would start and idle but not go far, I did. Here's what I discovered. When turned to regular, fuel barely trickles out of the petcock. When on reserve, it pours like it should. So that's one problem. The other problem is that when it's on reserve it was flooding. I leaned it out, to start, and that still didn't do it, so I added a fuel filter (it didn't have one) to slow the flow a bit. That did it well enough to get it running, and I took it for several laps around the field and it didn't die at all. But if I push it, it starts to flood. Where do I go from here? A smaller jet? If it would make any difference, the seal/gasket between the bowl and the rest of the carb is missing, but I don't know how that would effect it.

12-20-2002, 02:40 AM
My problem with the petcock was that the on posotion and off position was clogged with rust. But it was part of the carb also.. but the same in anycase and as for the carb problem get a rebuild kit from denniskirk or you local honda dealer. They are only about $15-20 and take your carb apart and give it a good cleaning. Also there is a needle inside the barrel....There should be a little clip with about 5 adjustments to set it... put the clip in the middle... That should fix the problem. At least it did for me.

12-20-2002, 10:09 AM
If it is flooding from just sitting then the float needle isn't closing. It is very possible to have dirt in the carb.

My 2cents

12-20-2002, 11:38 AM
I'd say what Tim and Howdy said too.

Rebuild the carb and make sure that the float is set correctly.

Make sure not to damage the soft face on the main jet needle i.e., don't press it into the seat or it may leak again.

And on the choice, position for the neddle clip, that mainly depends on how the bike runs due to elevation. The higher the elevation, the less oxygen and pressure the engine has to use.

To compensate for these changes, the neddle clip and jet size are used for making carb tuning adjustments.