View Full Version : Doing speech... i need everyones help

04-29-2004, 05:46 PM
ok guys i want to do a persuasive why trikes are better then quads. any info will help...and especially if you own a restoration shop or are a mechanic so you can be a resource for my topic. any help will help lol but if you are a pro thats even better. these things start monday so GET ON IT ASAP :beer
Thanks again guys you always been a great help

04-29-2004, 05:51 PM
all the things i could say would takes yrs but a few are: i think they are alot easier to control and i love them more lol to many poeple have them too lol quads i mean

04-29-2004, 06:59 PM
- due to most people being needlessly frightened of them, less initial cost.
- 25% fewer tires/wheels to replace/plug/tube.
- 33% fewer brakes/calipers/lines to replace/rebuild
- no expensive tie rod ends, links, control arms, or spindles to replace.
- the forks are easily rebuilt using mostly commonly available m/c parts.
- overall lighter machine, and all things being equal, less apt to become stuck, lighter to pull out if stuck, and more useable power.
- environmental point...3 tires which do no track over one another, therefore causing less impact upon existing vegetation.

You may want to supply a couple of repair/cost senarios highlighting increased cost for maintaining a quad, say total front end rebuild, and a set of tire and wheels for each.
Most of these points are applicable to similarly sized machines.
Obviously a 4WD quad will stomp an ATC in the pit, so comparisons should be kept fairly comparable, eg: ATC 350X vs. Warrior or Tri-Z vs. LT250. etc.

Get cracking! You've only got a few days! lol!

04-29-2004, 08:50 PM
- Trikes are cheaper
- They are very performant for the money we put into it
- They are reliable (it isn't an argument, but...it's just true!)
- Everyone says trikes are dangerous, but...if you just don't go crazy on it, it's just alright!
- The parts for trikes are cheaper and are still available most of the time

Hope this helps!! :TrikesOwn

04-29-2004, 09:35 PM
here is what I think..
-smaller turning radius
-easier to drive.. ( i think that at least)
-cost less to fix..( in some ways)
and of corse.. they are alot funner to ride

04-29-2004, 11:34 PM
wow lets hear some more this is interesting i never really thought of all these points...makes me wish i wasn't so broke to get the work and parts on my bike..

04-29-2004, 11:37 PM
If you make your subject, "A comparision between trikes and quads" or "The advantages and disadvantages of Trikes vs Quads" youll get a lot more mileage than "a persuasive why trikes are better then quads" .

They are different, and each has their own characteristics and advantages. To insist that trikes are always better than quads reveals a lack of expertise on quads, and deprives you of the credibility to make a good arguement for any of the three topics above. Dont confuse preference with facts. Peopel have supplied you with a good list of advantages, but your arguement will be more credible if you also list the disadvantages.

04-30-2004, 12:25 AM
What are some disadvantages of a trike though :confused:

Lmao :Bounce


04-30-2004, 12:42 AM
some disadvantages would be...
-more likely to flip over
-cant take sharp turns at high rates of speed
-the number of them gets lower and lower every year
-sometimes harder and expensive to find parts
-easier to break the front end then on a quad
-they wheelie easier,and with a begginer/less expirienced rider, can cause some damage/injuries..
Thats what I can think of so far...

04-30-2004, 01:05 AM
Only thing I don't like about trikes are that you can't turn on very steep hills at much speed. Also, I find them harderto handle in the whoops, but thats just me. I fell real safe on a MX bike really. Advantages for me is the cost. Newer quads are easily in the 3-4 grand range. New ones are nearing 7 grand with tax and all. Most good atc's are in the 500-1500 range. Well, Hope that helps, and try not to make it pursuasive, only if it has to. Tim Sr said it very well. I think he deserves some applause.... :TrikesOwn I'm sure if you start puttin down quads, you'll have a few angry cliques on your back...

04-30-2004, 09:12 AM
plkmonster, Im glad you get my point. Declaring war on quads will do nothing to further trikes, and in fact, supporting quads and attending quad events that allow trikes is our best chance at preserving the future of trikes.

I much prefer riding my trike, as I find it more enjoyable. Not because its better equipped under extreme conditions, but because of the added challenges. If I were an unskilled or inexperienced rider and was trying to choose what would most likely get me through the trails easiest while having the least amount of difficulty, Id have to pick a quad, and I often recommend them over trikes for beginners.

Here are a few practical differences. Keep in mind, I can compare a Tri-Z to a Quad-Z for a real apples to apples comparision.

A few Trike Disadvantages compared to quads -
1. The obvious, they roll a lot easier, they wheelie over backwards a lot easier.
2. It takes a LOT longer to learn to handle one with proficiency.
3. They are horrible in off-camber. Add some downhill to the off-camber for real fun!
4. Try to straddle a deep rut with one, or better yet, a muddy set of ruts.
5. Extreme downhill braking capabilities.
6. Race type cornering/ powersliding.
7. Whoops and Jumps / Front suspension under more extreme conditions such as a track.
8. Getting the holeshot off the line.
9. A lot harder to load and unload.
10. Shorter lifespan on axle carrier bearings

Advantages -
1. Maneuverability, tight turning radius.
2. Traction in mud or snow.
3. Lighter weight, better acceleration (once you start moving).
4. Less trailer space.
5. Cheaper front end maintenance.

04-30-2004, 11:24 AM
... other than less rolling resistance and quicker accelleration in like branded models (ATC vs TRX250R's), I can't think of any other reasons why trikes are better than quads. Like Tim said, you should make it a comparison, not a contest. Things like "they wheelie awesome" and "hang off the side in order to carve a turn" will only give the untrained reader of your paper the impression that they are "dangerous" and hard to control.

04-30-2004, 12:01 PM
I agree with everything Tim Sr. said except for the loading and unloading of trikes, if you have no ramp at all I can easily grab the front of the trike and set it on the tailgate go around to the rear of trike, grab the grab bar snatch it up and push her right on in. With a quad I would have a heck of a time doing the same, now if he is referring to useing a ramp you do have to watch how much throttle you apply or over the frontend comes but I have never had that happen. If im going out riding with some buds and just want to have some fun I will take my trike with me way before a quad. I think the fun factor is big plus for a trike vs a quad comparison. IMO

04-30-2004, 05:41 PM
Maybe another area to mention is that without trikes there probably wouldn't be any quads. Trikes started the ATV revolution and opened up "off road riding" to many people that wouldn't dare swing a leg over a dirtbike.

04-30-2004, 06:14 PM
thanks alot guys its good that my teacher gave us another day to write it and that means the weekend to so i hopefully will get it done if i get some more info. so which one of you guys know most about trikes/quads so i can use you as a reference if i do my speech on trike vs quads.

thanks alot guys for all the help and remember :TrikesOwn :p :beer ;)

04-30-2004, 07:35 PM
i have to disagree with all of the disadvantages...if you know how to ride, you don't have to worry about anything