View Full Version : Update on my 250es

04-23-2004, 03:23 AM
I just got back from a week and a half of riding and stuff at my farm. I really like this "superred". It is so much nicer to ride and look at then the 200es. Its not as smooth as I expected but that might be beacuse my front shocks are crap and dont work properly. Dont get me wrong my backside loves me because of that suspension. It handles better than the 200 also but feels not as stable although any 3 wheeler rider can compensate for that. My stator doesnt work, it wont charge the battery. I will get the one off the 87 and install it which i hope works. The topend on this 250 has definately been recently overhauled because its so fast and smooth and quiet. It doesnt have the "coldstart" kit on it but i wont need it because it doesnt snow here anyway. The only bad thing i did to it was crack the bottom out of the toolbox because i had a big battery in it but i will get it plastic welded. Before i went away i ordered the handbrake cable and the front brake cable for it and picked them up when i came back today, pretty expensive for them, 90 dollars aus for them both. They are too pricey to not look after. There are only 2 oil leaks, one undeneath the front rocker cover and the gearshift shaft seal, which i will fix. The detachable headlight is a stupid novelty but its there if you need it. Im going to start tearing down this 250es and start painting, cleaning, polishing and rebuliding things. Hopefully this trike will look as nice as my 200es when it was finished. Maybe I will try to make it nicer!

Catcha later,


04-23-2004, 05:19 PM
that's great that you are as happy with you newer big red as you thought you'd be.
i'd like to cut off about 4 - 5 foot of the light cord on my 250es,,, just to much too stuff back into the little tub. i got about 2 foot dangling around in back of the light/rack area.


04-23-2004, 05:40 PM
I know what you mean John. To put it simply i dont think that light will be coming off again anytime soon! Although I must hand it to that little zip tie around the cord, it sure makes it easier to put it back in! Oh something i noticed is that that little tub where the cord goes has a sticker near or on it that says "dont run the atc with the cord out of the coad box" Is that a typo, Coad box? Is iut suppposed to be Cord? Kinda funny if it is.

Just a question for all you know hows....

I want to make those side panels look a bit better because they have been a bit sunbaked over the years, what would i be better of doing, sanding them with fine paper and then polishing them with plastic buffer or painting them? Is krylon available in Australia?

Well im off to lube up my 90 dollar brake cables, seya,


04-24-2004, 03:20 AM
Well i lubed up my cables and got a bit carried away and now its in rolling form, with hundreds of pieces scattered around the garage. I found that the 250es is far easier to disassemble than the 200es. More user friendly! The motor in the 250 is lighter also. Probably because it hasnt got hi low. Only problem i came across was that i cant get the right side footpeg off, I tried heating it and lubing it and using an impact driver but the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro wont budge! Any ideas?

Here are some pics.....


04-24-2004, 11:29 AM
Have you tried a longer handled ratchet and a good 6 point socket? I have a bolt that was acting the same way, I ended up using a hammer to hit the end of the ratchet..

I like the pile you have going there. So your not going to be able to ride for a short time?


04-24-2004, 03:01 PM
careful, those pesky footpeg bolts ALWAYS break

04-24-2004, 07:30 PM
I just noticed that you can acess the bolt from the inside of the frame, the end of the thread. Im gunna clean out all the dirt thats clogged it there and tip the chassis on its side and fill it with penetrating lubricant, heat it up again and have another go, hope they dont break. Ill probably be out of action for a month or two.


04-25-2004, 10:35 AM
Hello Mate, love your es and cant wait to see it finished. With the plastic side panels do you no if you can by them new, I no the gaureds and tool boxs lid you can, but the side covers? We still use our 250es on the farm and the old girl is bullit proof but soon she will need a rebuild for some of her gear is about stuffed. Regards Fester.....P.S Which state are you in we are W.A sandgropers