View Full Version : suzuki carb problems

04-13-2004, 04:09 PM
both my 125, and alt 50 have boggin in the carb, is it just a suzuki thing?

the 125 carb is brand new, brand new pump and plastic tank, so thats weird, I have to start her with ether but then it runs and starts fine, just bogs when I go full throttle

the 50 (2 stroke) has a cruddy tank but the gas is pretty clean as the crud is deep down and not loose, the carb was very dirty but I cleaned her out, she starts easy but bogs out sporatically

Dan Tenn
04-14-2004, 10:32 AM
My alt starts great, but is extremely cold blooded. If its not completely warm, its nearly impossible to get full throttle without it bogging out. Keep in mind that it hasent been tuned in quite a while, but it ran great once warm.

04-14-2004, 10:41 AM
Mine runs great, warm or cold. I even gave it the snow test about a month ago. If you are bogging at full throttle, but its fine when you back off a little, the first place Id be looking is at airflow problems, especially in the small bore machines which tend to use crappy exhaust systems to begin with. Assuming your air filter is fine, be sure there is nothing obstructing or limiting exhaust flow.

I dont have a huge history with 4 strokes, but so far, nearly every problem with difficulty in starting has been a valve adjustment issue.

04-15-2004, 03:54 PM
well I took the exhaust of the alt 50 and it really didnt change much, did I forget to mention it only runs with the choke on, its also missing the stock air filter but has one on there in case that makes a diff but I dont think so, the carb was very dirty and I cleaned, tore it down to the last screw, could that be an issue?

04-15-2004, 03:59 PM
oh also I put in a new plug but didnt check the gap as I dont have a manual yet, ones on the way though

04-17-2004, 03:59 PM
bump up for response