View Full Version : another brutally disfigured trike...

04-11-2004, 03:44 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6725&item=24733192 42&rd=1

someone do something about this poor tri-z forced to live a life it wasnt designed to live...

04-11-2004, 05:01 PM
good thing = no beat
Bad thing = someone put another wheel on it :(

I think it looks alot better with just 3 wheels don't get me wrong i have nothing against 4 wheelers but i will never own one.

83 250r

04-11-2004, 05:55 PM

04-11-2004, 06:23 PM
:oops: :oops:

04-11-2004, 06:48 PM
i would never do that to a 3 wheeler...if i bought that i would convert it back... thats sad :oops:

04-11-2004, 08:21 PM
I love it!

04-11-2004, 10:12 PM
I'm looking for a 4wheeler I can make into a 3wheeler :-P :-P :-P

04-11-2004, 11:33 PM
Whaaaaa! Whaaa! Boo hoo! NOBODY IS DOING THIS TO TRIKES! Thats an Astro kit, of which the last one was probably sold 15 years ago. At that time trikes were a dime a dozen, and cheap quads were hard to find. Do you guys really think people would search for an obsolete antique kit, spend $1600 on it to convert a $1700 trike into a $1500 quad today? Get over it already and quit whining about what somebody did to a trike 15-20 years ago when most of you were in diapers.

04-12-2004, 12:05 AM
..... I'd have to say though, thats definitely one of the nicest conversions I've ever seen and somebody will end up with a nice "truad" or "quike". Its the closest thing going to the 250 class race quad Yamaha should have made when they had the chance.

04-12-2004, 02:07 AM

Ride 3 and never look back! or back to a converstion :rolleyes:

88 Turbo Coupe
04-12-2004, 09:55 AM
For sale or trade: 85 YZ conversion kit cost $1600.00 new. Looking to trade for complete stock YZ front suspension.

04-12-2004, 12:05 PM
why would someone want to ruin a trike like that??

04-12-2004, 12:06 PM
:'( :'(

04-12-2004, 12:17 PM
One question: WHY?

04-12-2004, 02:56 PM
Whaaaaa! Whaaa! Boo hoo! NOBODY IS DOING THIS TO TRIKES! Thats an Astro kit, of which the last one was probably sold 15 years ago.

Actually, less then a year ago, They were still putting ads in the back of dirt wheels. Astro (or whoever is copying them) still makes them, they are just harder to find. They were still like $1800 for the kit, but Im not positive it was still astro... couldla been a knock off. Either way, they are still being made, people still come to 3 wheelers sites asking about the kits, and Im sure they are still being sold, or else they wouldnt still make them.

Mr. Sandman
04-12-2004, 03:12 PM
TimSr. - Well said :!: :!: :!:

04-12-2004, 04:12 PM
Chainsaw, I went to great lengths to try to track down this company as I could not even get replacement brake pads for mine. People do still ask, because they have herad of them, but I have not ever heard of anyone buying a new kit in recent times. (unopened in somebody's barn for the last ten years doesnt count)

It may be possible that someone still makes one, but I cant imagine them selling any. If anybody out there has any first hand information of anyone buying one of these new from a company or a dealer in the last 5 years, Id be interested in knowing about it, as a source of spare parts. If they do exist they are more elusive than the 87 250R. So far, every one Ive seen being bashed on here had an old Astro kit on it, and for everyone to assume they went out last week and spent $1800 on a conversion kit to put on a $1500 trike so they could sell it this week on Ebay for $1200, and portray them as evil trike hating idiots is really annoying. Yes, if you actually talked to the seller, and he indeed did a recent conversion in the last couple of years, I too would ask "why?" and think it foolish, but if people are going to bash everybody who possesses one without knowing squat about its history or the circumstances under which it was converted, then Ill just chuckle as I think of them whining every time Im out riding mine!

mike from long island
04-12-2004, 05:35 PM
the more i hear people saying how bad they are,makes me want to finish my 350x conversion. i dont really have much more parts to get for it. just no time or ambition to work on it. with the other 350x (still a trike) i just ran at the rumble on the ridge,i have no interest in working on any bike just riding. whats done is done with the coversion kits. i did not get parts from any running or complete bike. i in fact have brought the conversion back to life. so far i am well under $1000 bucks in parts i had to find for it. once done ill probable get $1500 or more for it. i have a kid who wants to buy it the way it sits right now for $1100. just havent seen the brat in a while lol. i wish that tri-z was closer to me i would like to try it. i was hoping to see you at the rumble tim but there is always next time ..

04-14-2004, 03:29 PM
Tim SR.. as I said, it might not be the same, but looks just like the Astro kits. Here is the address and phone number out of the May 2002 Issue of dirt wheels. This may help ya.

Hi Performance Machine INC.
11976 Woodside Ave.
Lakeside, CA 92040

(619) 448-8802

Quoted price on the ad, with a 250R pictured is $1595.00 "available for most models"

Below is a pic.

04-14-2004, 09:49 PM
That looks like the same photo on the front of the Astro kit instruction manual. The company was called Hi Performance ATV, and they were in El Cajon, Ca, but Ill bet its the same company. I wonder if these are just old stock resurfacing, or if they are still making them. I cant imagine anyone buying one these days for that price, and I surely cant imagine them selling enough of these to make it profitable!

04-14-2004, 10:56 PM
Kid at my school has a 200x with the conversion it it, they are ugly, but heck.... i 4wheel 200x, would be pretty cool i think... Im better on 4wheels.....lol.still gotta get used to 3

04-14-2004, 11:16 PM
That looks like the same photo on the front of the Astro kit instruction manual. The company was called Hi Performance ATV, and they were in El Cajon, Ca, but Ill bet its the same company. I wonder if these are just old stock resurfacing, or if they are still making them. I cant imagine anyone buying one these days for that price, and I surely cant imagine them selling enough of these to make it profitable!

Hell man, phone number is right there. Id call, but Im pretty lazy as of late, and would never get it done.. lol Ask them if they have sold any in a while, and if they only make them as they are ordered, or have them collecting dust.

I cant see anyone still converting them, but you never know.