View Full Version : gully jump at Croom on the X

04-04-2004, 04:49 PM
Just got back from croom and I just though everyone would like to know I was there representing for 3 wheelers. I was the only one in the park.
And on sat night i was getting ready to go back to camp when i saw a large group of quads sitting around watching something, and it was a couple guys on dirt bkes jumping this Big washout, it was about a 15ft gap with a messed up launch. So I rolled around and looked at it and rolled up on it and then rolled back. My friend was sitting up in the group of quads and he said they were saying i couldn't jump that. Then I lined up and started charging toward it, 2ng gaer 3/4 throotle. My friend said then they were all saying, holy trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro he is gonna hit it! They were all cheering me after I hit it a few more times.. Felt good to show all the punks up on thier new quads. I took a short vid of it on my camera,I can't figure out how to post it ,, help me someone, how do I post it?

04-04-2004, 05:37 PM
thats awesome, I do jumps on my trike that quad guys don't clear. I could just picture the look on their faces. Isn't it great outjumping and outrunning quads on a 19yr old death trap

3 weelin geezer
04-04-2004, 07:38 PM
How big is it in Mb? Perhaps you can email it to those interested. :-P

04-04-2004, 10:14 PM
My problem is the landin.. I always go thump on 3wheelers... dritbikes and quads I can alnd.. but shoot, I fell over on my side today on a small pile of frozen horse crap....lol.its been so logn sicne I road a 3wheeler.... and the last oen I rode was a tri zinger 60.... 200x, is new to me.. im gonna die...lol

04-04-2004, 11:32 PM
very cool!!!