View Full Version : cant get 200x head valve springs in!

03-31-2004, 11:20 PM
Im rebuilding my 85 honda 200x, and I cant get the valve springs in. The valves themselves are in there, but I cant seem to compress the double springs enough to get the two little holder pieces in the retainer which sits on top of the big spring. I see that there are grooves on the valve stem for the little pieces, but like I say, I cant compress it enough to get it in. I have a standard size valve spring compressor tool for small engines, but that is too small and dosent fit. I also have a diffrent compressor that looks like a c-clamp, and that works but dosent push the retainer in straight, it goes at an angle and then you cant get those pieces in. I also tried the other side of the clamp thing, and the same thing. Is there a trick to this? Maybe some other tool? Or help from another person by pushing on it somehow? And advice would be greatly apreciated. Thanx again.

04-01-2004, 09:47 AM
I made me a couple different tools ( 15 years ago ) for doing the ATV valve springs. It still works real good. I will try to get some pictures of them later today.
I know the guy that watched me make them said they would never work. But after he seen how easy they did work he couldn't believe it.

If I don't post them tonight email me a reminder.

04-01-2004, 10:12 AM
Take a big screwdriver, heat it up with a torch, and bend it about 3 inches from the end to make it L-shaped. Slide the rocker shaft in (without the rocker itself) Put the end of the screwdriver on the shaft and press down on the valve to compress the spring. You'll have to do one side of the valve at a time. You will also have to put something under the cylinder head to keep the valve from moving back and forth as you're compressing the spring. I used a pool ball. :D I'll try to get pics later on today.

04-01-2004, 10:17 AM
If you are using the bigger c-clamp style spring compressor you will have to make a spacer. I used the one for my car and made a spacer to sit between the valve and the bottom of the clamp so when compressed the springs allowed enough room for the beveled retainers.

04-01-2004, 01:38 PM
I use a large c clamp with a deep well socket on the end.I just cut/burn a piece out of the end of the socket to allow room to attach the keepers.

04-01-2004, 02:41 PM
I also took a C clamp and drilled a hole in the end that didnt move, Then took a piece of aluminum (1/8 in. i believe, may have been smaller....) Heated it up, and bent it at a 90 degree angle on one side, and 90 degrees on the other. Then put a bolt in the piece of aluminum and the c clamp, and drilled a "V" shaped cutout on the piece of aluinum closest to the other end of the c clamp. I will get you a picture tonite as my directions are very sloppy due to lack of sleep and being in study hall...hopefully i still have it at the house somewhere!!!! :?

04-01-2004, 03:32 PM
I would not use the "screwdriver trick" as this will surely put some nicks on the rocker arm shafts and reduce the life of the rockers. I has this problem and bought the large spring compressor from Sears (Craftsman). This was a little short and like someone has said I put a deeper well socket between the valve and the tool on the combustion side(to take up space) It works swell.

gasoline and whiskey
04-01-2004, 05:14 PM
I used a c clamp and a socket that was ground away to allow space to
attach the keepers, just like -aaakowalski mentioned above,
also I found it very helpful to put just a little bit of heavy grease in the
groove and on the keepers to sort of hold em in place as the whole
thing goes together.
this job can be very frustrating the first time, good luck!

04-01-2004, 06:09 PM
i made the same sort of tool out of wood that the others used an old socket for. i used hardwood (not pine) and it worked fine. just use a small square block, and cut out a working space to get those pieces in. i didn't have anyold sockets so this worked for me.

04-01-2004, 09:53 PM
I would not use the "screwdriver trick" as this will surely put some nicks on the rocker arm shafts and reduce the life of the rockers.

It doesn't put a single scratch on it if you don't use the tip of screwdriver and for added protection, use a little piece of a rag. I would try to use a valve compressor or c-clamp with a few mods though first, it's a bit easier to get the keepers in and out.