View Full Version : Rare electric starter for 83-85 200x's !!!

03-31-2004, 09:47 PM
Howdy is selling this on ebay?!?! I've never even heard of this before. Could someone explain how it works? Key? Ignition?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&category=6755&item=246 9960854&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBWA%3AIT

03-31-2004, 09:59 PM
That's pretty neat. I'm sure it will bring a few bucks. Howday spelled it wrong at first. It's Goki. I never though they made starters for the 200x.

04-01-2004, 01:54 PM
I called goki awhile back and they said they discontinued the starter kit for the 200x.It wasn't a big seller.So,if you want one i would snap it up.Of course,howdy might have 1 or 2 more laying around the shop :-D

04-01-2004, 02:20 PM
do those have a charging system to charge the battery??

04-01-2004, 06:33 PM
Disclaimer: I am not trying to make this into a classified posting. If one of the other moderators feel it is more of a classified post then by all means remove it.
FYI, This will be my first and only ( hopefully ) post on this subject until after the auction is over. I am just trying to explain the auction, instalation, needed items, ect.

Back to the Topic:

Howdy is selling this on ebay?!?! I've never even heard of this before. Could someone explain how it works? Key? Ignition?

Yea, that is one of my auctions.

That's pretty neat. I'm sure it will bring a few bucks. Howday spelled it wrong at first. It's Goki. I never though they made starters for the 200x.

Yes, I did screw up the listing. I seen that right after it got a bid, so I couldn't fix it.

I called goki awhile back and they said they discontinued the starter kit for the 200x.It wasn't a big seller.So,if you want one i would snap it up.Of course,howdy might have 1 or 2 more laying around the shop :-D

You are right. They are no longer available NEW. Listing another one? There is NO chance of me listing another one any time soon. This is the only one for the 200x we have ever gotten in ( in over 15 years ). It is only the second Goki Electric starter I have ever owned. I had one for a 350x also. I sold that one on Ebay a while back.

do those have a charging system to charge the battery??

I wished I had the paper work for this unit ( but I don't have it ). So, I don't know how the battery is to be recharged. I am sure I could build up a set up for it though ( I have a few tons of parts ). I think it may be possible to use parts from a 82-84 BigRed or a 200m ( Wiring harness, stator, solenoid, ect ) to get it to recharge a battery.
The reason I didn't do this before listing is because I just didn't have the time. My work load is beyond full and growing drastically as it is.

To finish answering kilabeez0 question:

How it mounts and it works:
To Instal it ( On the 83-85 200x's ):
Remove the left side stator cover ( 4 bolts ).
Remove the Flywheel ( 1 bolt ).

Install the flywheel with the extra gear on it ( 1 Bolt ).
Install the side cover with the Electric Starter ( 4 bolts ).

Optional: If you want to run the stator you currently have you can change it out before installing the side case. ( 2 bolts ).

That ( above ) should only take a whole 15-20 minutes. You will want to lean the machine to the right so no or only limited oil comes out.

At this point the starter itself is installed. At this point you will need to find and mount a battery box and Battery. Most of the pictures I have seen show them mounted on the rear of the machine.
You will need to find and mount a starter solenoid. These normally get mounted near the Battery Box.
You will need to find and mount some battery cables ( One ground, one possitive to a solenoid, and one from the solenoid to the starter ). You will then need to find, mount, and wire a switch to activate the stater.

These directions may sound complicated. But is not very hard to do this at all. I am here if someone from the forums buys it and needs help with wiring it up ( you must let me know via email ). I will do what I can. Possibly sketching out a set up for you and a possible parts list or parts.

Where I really messed up in the auction: After listing and doing some searching, I found I can come up with all the other needed items to complete the set up. Some would need some modifications. Those items that would work for this, is to be listed tomorrow night.


P.S. Like I stated at the top: If one of the other moderators feel it is more of a classified post then by all means remove it.