View Full Version : Strange Tri-Moto problem

03-30-2004, 03:17 AM
Ok I finally got my 175 Tri-moto running, but it's doing something weird. Occasionally in neutral it will rev up real high and I can't shut it down for nothing. I hit the kill switch, pulled off the plug wire, but it just kept going until i unscrewed the idle screw from the carb! The third time it did this the idle screw trick didn't work so I shut of the fuel valve and it ran for about 30 seconds til it died! What in tarnation is my problem. When it's running it isn't very smooth. It kinda revs up and down. I ordered a new needle valve for it, but it's back ordered, and I don't think it's going to cure it. What else should I be looking at?

03-30-2004, 03:33 AM
Clean and rebuild your carb.,my grandpa had a lawnmower that did this(I think he ordered a new carb.,because it would get really hot,and you could pull the plug wire off and it would keep runnin(kinda like a diesel running off the heat)). Hope this helps.

03-30-2004, 11:03 PM
Get a Priest or something. -D

What do Mike Jackson and priest's have in common? -D Boy's underwear half on and half off.

03-31-2004, 12:07 AM
Usually when you get drifting idle speed its either an intake vacuum leak, or a fuel flow problem. They will rev up really high when being fuel starved. Of course, all this is assuming the throttle slide is closing completely and you dont have a cable sticking or something holding the throttle open.

03-31-2004, 12:19 AM
:-D trailprotrailpro throtle neddle might stick or if it only happens in nuetral u might need a carb rebuild :D

03-31-2004, 12:54 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys. It just may be a vacume leak since there are 2 hoses, one on each side of the carb, that aren't connected to anything. Does anyone know where these are supposed to go? I have the oil line, fuel line, and float bowl overflow connected, the two on the upper most part of the carb are a mystery to me.

Thanks again for the input.

03-31-2004, 02:50 PM
A vacuum leak usually occurs between the carb and the cylinder. Sometimes you can find tehm by running the machine, and spraying WD40 or carb cleaner or something on selct spots. When you hit a leak with spray, the machine's idle will change.

03-31-2004, 05:04 PM
Did you pull the plug cap all the way off and pull it far back enough from the plug? Sometimes the electricity can travel 1-2 inches or more!! and if the spark plug is still within that distance it will fire. I have a lawnmower that will run with the spark plug wire 2 inches away (I amazed my friends for days :D ) whenever I took the wire any farther away, it died. It could also be dieseling off of the heat I guess, but I couldn't image it getting that hot.

It sounds like you have a bad air leak, and if the kill switch isn't working its either a bad switch or you're wired up wrong.