View Full Version : adjusting chain on 85 200x

03-28-2004, 02:23 PM
I have been having some extremely annoying problems while doing this. Right now I'm working on getting the axle straight which is proving to be alot harder than it sounds. I measured the distance beween the left side of the axle and the footpeg, and the right axle and the footpeg. Both were equal, yet I still here the chain jumping the front sprocket sometimes. Its a 520 88 link regular chain and its brand new. Anyone know what my problem is?

03-28-2004, 03:02 PM
200x's have small notches by the chain adjusters that are used to line up where exactly they are adjusted, might be hard to see if the paint is chipped off in that area or if the area is covered with grease. If you look up the chain from the back does it look like its tracking strait? Check the swing arm and rear axle bearings, if they have play its possible that could cause chains to come off. Do the sprockets look good?