View Full Version : My yt175 backfiring ... Maybe just a 2 stroke question

03-25-2004, 07:55 PM
I drove my yt175 all day today, then it worked crappy alittle bit then stopped doing it, and worked fine, now it just backfires and runs like crap, I drove through alot of slush today, but i do have any airbox. I am missing the last little piece on my 175 exhaust... And the flames were coming like 5 inches out the end ..... anyone know why?? I cant drive it cause it seems like its skipping beats or something,....

03-26-2004, 08:21 AM
come one anyone ??? does it sound like anything to do with an intake, or air leak anywheres??

03-27-2004, 02:27 AM
Do you have the arrestor on? Maybe you blew the packing to bits, lol. Seems real lean, most likely an air leak if you just rode it, and it was fine. Also, you could have gotten some crap in the carb, and it could have plugged the jet enough.