View Full Version : Something for the ebay scammers and those who've been scamed

03-20-2004, 10:47 PM
This is not a pretty subject but I think it needs to be addressed here so things don't get ugly on the forums that are filled with "good" people.


I'm posting this because I'm tired of the scammers selling nothing or "great condition", "very good condition" junk on the web. God knows I've spent money buying inaccurately discribed items. This does not apply to the 3ww or 3w.org for sale forums thankfully. I've had nothing but great dealings from forum members.

I am ramblinman76 on ebay. So checkout my feedback and read about the one negative from the seller(who didn't ship after I paid) camaro_carrol who is no longer an ebay member. I lost only $11 from him but he never was truthful during many contacts. I gave him a couple of months to straighten things out. After contacting some of the others who left negatives on him. I(We) decided to log a complaint with ebay. He had just to many complaints I guess.

I won't post any personal info but I will post ebay sellers names that I have had negative personal dealings. Presently the list is two and might be increasing to four soon.

I have decided to become an internet vigilante to protect those unaware of the miracle elixir salesman by contacting and warning bidders and encouraging them to contact others who left negative feedback on specific sellers.

Also, I might just have to start outbidding buyers to piss off those few sellers on my list by not paying. I know that my feedback might result in more negatives but at this point I really don't care. If I get the point across to the seller for a $30 or $130 item, all the better.

If there are any here with which I've had interesting ebay dealings, you have been warned. Paybacks a b**** mofos.

I'm interested in hearing from others with stories to tell. Unless the mods don't like this subject.

03-21-2004, 01:31 AM
Well, I have a story to tell. In Dec. of 02, I got ripped out of $4200 for a Bombardier DS 650. I won the quad on Ebay, went to the bank, borrowed the money, and paid for the quad. Guess what, no quad ever showed up. It was supposed to be shipped to me by frieght.

I am lucky enough that my bank was cool about the whole situation and is letting me pay it out. I had to sell my truck and my 02 Raptor Limited Edition over this crap though and I still have to make a payment every month.

And Ebay's buyer protection or fraud insurance is a fraud in itself. I pretty much got told that the protection didn't cover ATVs. I filed charges with the FBI, my local PD, and every other fraud commission I could find. The FBI will not persue an international matter unless it exceeds $10k. My local PD couldn't find a lost dog. Never heard a word from any fraud commission. So, I thought that I would sue Ebay. Good luck finding an attorney that will take the case. I really thought that Ebay woudn't even fight it if an attorney got involved, but I can't even get an attorney to talk to me. I did have one attorney tell me that Ebay is resposible for what happend on thier site. Just like a person is responsible for what happens on thier property.

Since this has happened to me, I too have bid on fraud items just keep others from loosing money. I think that people who have been ripped out of large amounts of money should get together and file a lawsuit against Ebay. That should get some national media attention. Mabey then they will tighten up thier security and some of us would get some of out $$ back. They are not even trying to stop this because they are still getting the listing and selling fees no matter how the transaction goes down. I will be all for going in with other people and filing a lawsuit against Ebay. Just tell me where to go and what to do. Probably wishful thinking.

Sorry for the long story. I get fired up when I think about what happened and all of the crap I went through.

03-21-2004, 09:25 AM
I've been dealing with ebay for probably 8 years now and on about 500 transactions i've been involved with I have never had a problem. I'll admit I've bought stuff that had been described better than it actually was but thats my own fault for not asking questions.

There are many things you can do to protect yourself. Check feedback!!! Never buy anything from someone who has feedback saying they never shipped an item. Don't buy from people without feedback. Email the seller and ask questions. See what kind of replies you get. Check where the seller is from. Don't buy items that have pictures straight from the manufacturer. Do a search, make sure the seller is not selling 10 of the same thing. If you think your getting a great deal there probably is a reason. Pay with CREDIT CARD, never with western union or paypal cash from your account. That way you can always dispute the charge and use paypal and ebay fraud procedures. Don't pay with money orders if you are skeptic. Never send to a PO box. Always get an address. Never buy from overseas.

Ebay fraud covers items up to $200. I try never to buy anything over that amount.

I understand that there will be people who can get away with it even following these procedures but if you limit your chances of getting taken hopefully it won't happen.

I'd like to here more about people who have gotten ripped off. Did you get an actual address? What type of payment did you use? What kind of feedback did the seller have? I may just be naive and gottten lucky but i think if you follow my procedures you have a lot less chance of getting ripped off.

03-21-2004, 11:39 AM
Those protective procedures might have worked a few years ago, but not anymore. There are scammers using other peoples Ebay IDs, posting actual pics of vehicles, and sending emails with Ebays letterhead and copyright at the bottom. Scammers are getting good now.

In my situation, I used an escrow service that the seller recommended. The escrow service was a fraud too. When I sent the money to escrow service, it went straight to him. The sevice had a site and #s and looked like a legit deal.

My quad was supposed to be sent from a dealer in Canada. I did get addresses, phone #s, and names. It was all a bust. I met a doctor who had the same thing happen to him with a $75k BMW. Fraud escrow service, posing as a dealer, the whole nine yards, Just like me. I later found out that the seller was in Germany, not Canada.

About the only thing you can do to protect yourself on crap like this is not to buy expensive items and have them shipped. If you can't go pick it up, don't buy it. Check out the ATV section of Ebay, there are still numerous bogus auctions listed.

Also, if you are a seller, beware of bogus checks. I have known sellers who have shipped stuff overseas and found out that they were given a bogus cashiers or bank check. Just beware of what you do on the net...

03-21-2004, 06:04 PM
I have had pretty good luck with ebay, never spent over 300 dollars though, they way i see it if it is a quad or a car and it seems like a good deal, there has to be a catch, i would rather just go buy somthing in person even if it costs more, thats just my 2 cents though

03-21-2004, 10:09 PM
Well, you used to be able to get good deals on vehicles using ebay. Lately, I have been in the market for a Ford Powerstroke. My local dealer is better priced than most ebay auctions.

03-22-2004, 07:18 AM
I do ask questions.

Once from a shop in Kentucky, the dude flat out lied about a swingarm.
Another auction was incorrectly identified in year. No problem. I returned it for a refund. Still waiting for the $75.

No more bidding from a certain guy in Wisconsin who likes to decribe everything as good or great condition. Two auctions I won were junk and not useable.

The latest. The post office lost the package. No problem. Send me the refund. Waiting over a month for $32.

I guess a road trip is in order.

03-22-2004, 11:58 AM
Has anyone here ever heard of COD? That means 'cash on delivery'...

03-22-2004, 01:12 PM
Most sellers will not send items that way. Especially a vehicle. If you didn't pay for a vehicle and the seller sends it COD, they are out shipping charges. I don't blame sellers for not using COD. I don't normally use COD unless I am comfortable with the buyer.

03-26-2004, 08:44 AM
http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2467390038&category=40298 so hows the one ??? Seems like a scam to me, I like the payment options, and the private rating ... Whos gonna bid that one up, also when you do bid it up and then wont then leave you negative feedback ??