View Full Version : how much can i get for parting out a 200x

03-20-2004, 10:07 PM
the bike runs and is complete.

03-20-2004, 10:09 PM
Are you talking about a 85 x?

03-20-2004, 10:10 PM
yes the 85

03-21-2004, 09:01 PM
Probably not to much,due to the fact that there are parts dime a dozen on ebay for the 83-85 models.

03-21-2004, 09:59 PM
Come one dude, don't part out a perfectly good trike! Espicially if parts are going for cheap! Just ask like 6-700 for it or somthing!

03-21-2004, 11:40 PM
the bike runs and is complete.

About $1500 if you are a good seller, use Ebay, and have feedback like mine before subtracting auction fees.

03-22-2004, 09:06 PM
You would have to be an IDIOT to part out a complete running 200x! I can get parrts for the 83-85 200x ALL DAY cheap as hell. A whole engine is only worth $100 there are SOO many! Just ask $800 for it on ebay...you'll get it EASY. there is NO way possible to get $1500 for the parts, NO WAY!!

03-22-2004, 09:28 PM
You would have to be an IDIOT to part out a complete running 200x! I can get parrts for the 83-85 200x ALL DAY cheap as hell. A whole engine is only worth $100 there are SOO many! Just ask $800 for it on ebay...you'll get it EASY. there is NO way possible to get $1500 for the parts, NO WAY!!

It is possible to get $1500 via parting it out. I have gotten $1000 out of one on Ebay and the motor didn't run. I may have just gotten lucky and listed the stuff at the right time. But I did do very good.


03-22-2004, 09:31 PM
OK, if u can get someone to buy the bike whole for 800,900, or 1000 dollars, why hastle wit hit and maybe get nothing? just sell the whole thing, pretty soon thats all that will be left...parts and no trikes. Anyways, demand is goin down for 83-85 200x parts....Ive been watchin ebay...complete suspensions for $35 sometimes....its terrible, i have parts for 83-85 and 86-87 200x's and I NEED the 86 parts but id sell the 85 stuff but no one wants it!

03-22-2004, 09:36 PM
no one around here will pay 1000 for this 3 wheeler also i am doing this as a little expirement to see how long it would take to part it out and if i get more parting it out or selling complete. i have gotten so many emails from people wanting 200x parts and you say no one wants any, i havent even said i was parting it out yet.

03-22-2004, 10:56 PM
I posted twice. How do you delete a repeat :?:

03-22-2004, 10:58 PM
seems to some money is thicker than trikes. I brought this thread up about parting good trikes. We true trike lovers would never part a good one out. If your true to the trikes and respect them, keep it together. If you just have $$$$$$$$$ in sight and want to experiment to make more $$$$$$$$$$$$$ then rip it to pieces. If your experiment is a success then buy more and rip them to pieces. That's apparently what 99.9% of the american population thinks is king in this world. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ and what I can do for ME. I have said it before and you can hear it again. I have sold perfectly good things at a big loss, it is not a big deal. I just can't rip anything good apart period. I am parting out a 110, a tired, smoking incomplete 110 of which I needed parts to keep another one going. It depends whether you are a man of principle or man of $$$$. As much as I hate it, I am sure I have bought parts that came from perfectly good bikes. What can you do if they have already been ripped apart. I do hate to see it. Take a hit, keep it together.

03-22-2004, 11:45 PM
Come one dude, don't part out a perfectly good trike! Espicially if parts are going for cheap! Just ask like 6-700 for it or somthing!

I agree, don't part out a good bike. That is a shame to see that happen.

If parts are going that cheap, I should build one.. ;)

03-22-2004, 11:58 PM
You would have to be an IDIOT to part out a complete running 200x! I can get parrts for the 83-85 200x ALL DAY cheap as hell. A whole engine is only worth $100 there are SOO many! Just ask $800 for it on ebay...you'll get it EASY. there is NO way possible to get $1500 for the parts, NO WAY!!

I am an idiot, and it is possible because Ive done three of them. The least I got for one was $900 and it was totally thrashed and trashed. Incidentally 83-85 are worth more in parts than 86 because parts are more in demand.

If you think Im evil and greedy, all I can say is dont bid on parts that came off the trike "I killed" to get your dead trike running if it causes you a personal ethical dilemma.

03-23-2004, 12:10 AM
TimSR. I agree to part out bikes that have problems. But it makes no sense to me to tear up something that is in good running shape. You can say you are saving more trikes by parting yours out, but 3 wheelers are more scarce than 10 years ago. In 10 more years, how many are going to be around. I have noticed the prices of 3 wheelers also have skyrocketed in the past 10 years. Where are they going to be in the next 10? When my trikes are still complete and are worth even more money than they are now, you can think of all the trikes you parted out....

03-23-2004, 12:23 AM
i never said the bike is in good running condition i just said it runs. this bike backfires alot and i dont have the money to keep puting in it also i just bought a 400ex and i owe 3900 dollars and i agreed that all the money i make from this trike goes to the person i owe. so the more i make the faster i pay this off

03-23-2004, 09:44 AM
Okay, we all know we have different opinions based on our ethics. It seems to be lacking in the biggest percentage of the population. Anyway, Whiteboarder, regardless of what some say, it is a lot more time and work to part a trike out. I dissagree with Howdy. Says it is easier. Thats flat impossible. You have to compare apples to apples. You can't compare selling a trike whole in an add to selling parts on ebay. Compare selling a trike whole on ebay to parts on ebay. No labor in dismantling, one transaction as compared to many. Yes, you probably will get more for parting out a trike that may not be in the best running condition. If it is in need of only minor fixes, you can sell it quick at the right price and put it behind you. Or, you can spend hours taking it apart, taking pictures, packing, shipping and answering questions about each and every part. No matter what anyone says, its abosolutely impossible for it to be easier to part something than sell it whole. If this was the case, there would not be anything whole anywhere. Yes, those of us that want to see these things survive want them to stay whole, IF feasable. You do what you need to do. I can understand if you need the funds, to make ends meet. Thats one thing. If it is minor work, don't part it if you don't have to.

03-23-2004, 11:22 AM
Tearing apart a trike that will actually run is like tearing apart a living soul. Trikes are an endangered species. You just can't do it. Let that soul live.

03-23-2004, 12:08 PM
I dissagree with Howdy. Says it is easier.

I think you're mistaken about him having said it was easier. He knows better, as do I. It IS a lot of work. Youve got to be setup to do it efficiently and methodically, and the profit has to make the time worthwhile. If you try to part it out on message boards and ads, youll probably make less than minimum wage.

03-23-2004, 01:35 PM
Fair enough. I appologize if I did miss understand. I was refering to another comment on another thread comparing the time and money of selling whole. Sorry for the confusion. I can see points from parting one out, but not just for more profit. Maybe my situation is different. I never will make sense out of a quality, fixable starting to be rare product being destroyed. We seem to be doing a lot of fixing of beaters and ripping apart of good ones. Oh well...I paid $1500 for my 200X brand new in 1985. If I were to sell it, (no chance) it would be whole, be it $1500 or $500. Again, whiteboarder's situation may be completely different. We all do what we "need" to do.

03-23-2004, 02:24 PM

03-23-2004, 03:51 PM
I dissagree with Howdy. Says it is easier.

I think you're mistaken about him having said it was easier. He knows better, as do I. It IS a lot of work. Youve got to be setup to do it efficiently and methodically, and the profit has to make the time worthwhile. If you try to part it out on message boards and ads, youll probably make less than minimum wage.

TimSr, The Post in Question is this one: http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/viewtopic.php?p=127562&highlight=#127562

I showed where parting out a particular machine was less hassle. I know that with the way the shop is set up it is normally easier to part out a machine vrs selling it whole. This may not be the case for everyone.

A few people on this site knows I do try to sell machines whole when ever possible. Without mentioning a name I sold one person a nice 250sx. Some time later he traded in the 250sx and bought a 350x off of me. When I got the 250sx back it had a broken rear axle and other things that needed fixed. I was going to part it out but ended up fixing it up and then sold it to another person. I could have made more parting it out ( if you factor in the parts, time, shop supplies, ect ).

As I said in the other thread:

Bottom line is this: If you complain about a machine being parted out then stick with New Parts. 99.999% of used parts come from parted out machines. I will take my parts and sell them to people that are more than Happy to find good used parts. Normally for a lot less than a dealer would want for them ( New or Used ). Then when you try to buy a discontinued part from the dealer then you will apreciate the person that did part out a machine so you could find that needed part. Been there done that!!


03-23-2004, 04:04 PM
I don't think that most of us have a problem parting out bikes that have problems or will take more time and money to fix than they are worth. I have a problem with people parting out a bike that there is nothing or very little wrong with. I see people saying that by someone parting out a trike could bring 10 more back to life. If this were true, the # of 3 wheelers would be growing, not deminishing.

The 250 that Howdy described having the broken axle and in need of other parts, I could justify parting one out that needs that kind of work. (more than the trike is worth) But parting one out because it will not bring what you think it should isn't cool at all...

03-23-2004, 06:37 PM
WTF Are you saying!!?? 86-87 200x parts are way rarer and they go for double what 83-85 200x parts go for!! The 83-85 200x parts are WORTH as much, but more people have 83-85 200x's because THERE WERE MORE MADE! So therefore there are generall more people lookin for parts for them! But 86-87 200x parts are like gold, especially rear axels!! they go for $150-$200 with just sprocket and hub on them. The 2 piece heads, the jugs, and the crank case are worth more too, becasue they were built way better and more efficient. Anyways...botttom line 83-85 200x parts are WORTH less.

Also, if a trike runs, dont tear it apart, you will have to do WAYYY WAYY more work, listing and paying for EACH auction, taking pictures for EACH thing, cleaning ALL the parts up, shipping, etc. So for the extra $200 you are MAYBE, MAYBE gonna get instead of selling the trike whole REALLY arent worth it! Where do you live? I may wanna buy it JUST to save it

03-24-2004, 01:43 AM
Okay Roger, apparently youve sold a lot more 200x parts than I have. Im sorry you only made an extra $200, but Im glad youve always had people ready to buy them whole.

I know what Ive done, because I have to keep records for tax purposes, but maybe Ive just been really, really lucky. I also cannot expalin why I seem to be the exception to the rule as far as what sells best, but for me the more common the machine, the higher the demand for parts. Ive probably only parted out 20-30 ATVs, so I realize its not a large enough sample to be scientific.

03-24-2004, 11:43 AM
i am going to part it out here is the link http://3wheelerworldforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=21351

03-24-2004, 07:13 PM
I hat to burst your bubble but - I am a trike lover and if I need the cash to buy something else I'd rather have, I will part out any of my trikes regardless of how nice they are. Lots of us have bills, families to raise and barely enough cash to rebuild our motors. But if I part out a trike I always get lots more than it's worth in one piece, especially if it has mint parts.

This very trike you see below may someday fund a "new" project. Unless I can find someone to give me 2500$ for it in one piece.