View Full Version : this blew my mind

12-13-2002, 02:05 AM
i have been introduced to some new trails by my house. well tonight i was out playing in the mud and i saw a trike floating across a ditch about 40ft. wide and at least 15ft at its deeepest. closer inspection revealed he had two air tanks mounted underneath his trike. when i asked him about them he smirked and said that honda offered these is 85 as an option on there big reds. they quit it in 86 because of lack of intrest. is he just pulling my leg or not. if he is telling the truth were can i get a set of these.

12-13-2002, 09:02 AM
I think that you leg is being pulled. I have the 1985 ATC product brochure (Canadian Edition) which includes accessories and a options and there is no flotation tank in there. However, I have floated mine across a beaver pond by accident and it floats quite well without a rider on it. It stalled when I hit deep water but started right up after I fished it out. GlennMc.