View Full Version : Motor dies after running for 5 minutes or so????

03-14-2004, 08:04 PM
I have an 85 ATC 110 that im having a problem with. Its got excellent compression and the carb has been completely cleaned out, also have new spark plug.

Motor starts on one pull with no choke and runs excellent. I can get on and ride it for a couple minutes and it has tons of power, then it starts to bog so i reach down and give it some choke and it starts to run better and then eventually it will not run with or without choke. Nor will it start. I was thinking maybe it was flooding out so after letting it sit for 20 minutes or so started it up and just let it sit and idle for about 10 minutes and eventually it dies again.

Could this be something electrical?

03-14-2004, 08:31 PM
You could be losing spark when your trike gets hot so maybe it needs a coil?Have you cleaned your petcock?My 200 did the exact same thing and it was the petcock and gas tank needed a good cleaining.

03-14-2004, 08:32 PM
Yeah. The fuel system is clean. Im sure of that.

If it were the coil is it the Ignition coil (Little black thing with the spark plug wire attached) or Stator coil (Coil under the flywheel)?

03-14-2004, 08:34 PM
Whats your spark plug look like?

03-14-2004, 08:38 PM
Looks good. Not black but not lean. The other thing is that after sitting for 15 minutes it always starts back up and runs again until it starts to warm up.

03-14-2004, 08:46 PM
my friend's 4 wheeler was doing this same thing. It turned out he had to have the engine rebuilt......

03-14-2004, 08:48 PM
That doesn't make any sense. The engine has awesome compression. Its got to be something with spark or fuel delivery.

03-14-2004, 09:26 PM
If it was the coil then I would think that it would be the black wire that goes to the spark plug.Maybe a dirty fuel line?

03-14-2004, 09:36 PM
Its starving for fuel.......eliminate all possiblities one at a time and youll fix it. ;)

03-14-2004, 09:39 PM
Its starving for fuel.......eliminate all possiblities one at a time and youll fix it. ;)

That doesn't really fit the bill here... Why would letting it sit 15 minutes make it run perfect again. When its cold I can start it with one pull and sit there and stab the throttle and it revs real high. Its not till the motor starts to warm up that it dies. I've seen some other posts referring this problem as either ignition coil or stator coil.

03-14-2004, 09:46 PM
The gas cap vent is pluged.When you start it a ride a couple of min.it will run out of gas in the carb.After it sits for a few min. the gas fills the carb back up.Try to run it with the cap a little loose,If that works you need a new cap.

03-14-2004, 10:27 PM
You can limit it to three possibilities:

#1 (and the most likely) - Fuel Starvation
When you turn the gas on and start it up, the carb's bowl is filled with gas. When it is running, that gas in the bowl is burned up but there is something stopping the fuel from coming in fast enough to keep the bowl filled causing it to die. When you let it set for a few minutes, the fuel flow has time to catch up and fill the bowl back up. Re-check the petcock, petcock filter, fuel lines, and the bottom of the tank where the lines plug in to (you can take a piece of wire and run it through the openings) If all are clean, check the gas tank cap. If you have to, drill a very small hole in the cap for ventalation.

#2 Bad stator coil
On some bad coils, the machine gets great spark until it warms up and then the coil goes out until the engine has time to cool down. Fire it up and as soon as it dies, pull the plug and check for spark. If you don't have any, you will probably have to replace the primary coil. (Check #3 first)

#3 Kill switch wires grounding to the frame
This happened to me on my 110 and left me clueless for days. I cleaned the carb, bought a new stator, checked the timing, and so on. Well I would start it up it would run fine for about 5-10 min. and then die. I would let it set and it would start right up. Thats why I thought it was either a #1 or #2 problem. What happed was, even though it was a very very strange coincedence, when I started it the kill switch wires were off the frame letting it start and run but after a while the wires vibrated so much that they found their way to the frame, which grounded them out.

Good luck and let us know what you find out!!

03-14-2004, 11:27 PM
I got it!!! woohoo.

I went out in the garage and pulled the plug while the motor was off and looked at the spark. Put the plug back in and ran it till it died and then pulled the plug again and to my surprise the spark was just as bright as it was before.

So then i got to thinking, what could starve it of fuel. I tried running it with the cap off and it still died.

And now for the part you guys are going to love!!! The gas tank that was on the bike had a small hole in it so i pulled it off and jbwelded it and used a kreme kit on the inside. So I had a tank from a atc70 sitting on it. After looking at the bottom of the tank on the 70 i realized that the holes were a little bit smaller so i ran down and grabbed the tank for the 110 and threw it on since the tank liner was clean now. I just drove it down the road and it didn't crap out on me. pulled a pretty good wheelie up the drive way (decent wheelie for having no rear fender on it right now) :-D :-D :-D :-D