View Full Version : So can you skip water on trike?

03-08-2004, 07:02 PM
This has been mentioned before but never settled. I'm talkin maybe 20 feet long and 3 feet deep. Would paddles help much compared to a wide ITP Spidertrack? Gonna give it a shot this summer on the Tecate, the 11 inch wide front tire may help out too. I think its gonna pitch foward on me but maybe not.

03-08-2004, 07:19 PM
Probably with a faster bike, but not with my YTM 200, I tried. It was about 15 feet long and 6 feet deep. I got to half way and then the front got outta control and the trike fell sideways. Got water in and had to put the trike in the truck for the rest of the day, till i changed the oil. But its back on track and ready to try a smaller pond this summer.

03-08-2004, 08:29 PM
Thats nuts man. I'm gonna give er a shot this summer with my Tecate just for hoots. I'm almost sure I'd make it across and if not I'm hoping the bike will just sink close to the other side and drive on out. :?

03-08-2004, 09:17 PM
I crossed 12 ft. of open water one winter on my 350X all stock. I was going on the ice, fresh ice on christmas day, and I came upon open water around a bend and didnt have brakes to stop, nor did I want to I just hydroplaned over. The trick is to have a good place to start with good traction(the ice didnt work that well), and get the bike in 4th or 5th WOT and HOLD it there and you'll go right across that water. Watchout if your on ice for the other side cuse u sink down a little and my back tires cought the edge and flipped me over. If your on a pond or something with smooth on and off ramps for you, you wont have a problem.

03-08-2004, 09:35 PM
I recall seeing pictures of this very thing in an issue of Dirtwheels or 3wheeler or something, years and years ago. In the 80's. There was an article on it and pictures. They were quite successful at it. It was a 250R they were using.

03-08-2004, 10:25 PM
I've seen snowmobiles do it. Waaaaay cool!

But I tried it on my little 185s one day and sank. Luckily you can't kill my trike and it pushed its way through the water, with some help from me rocking back and forth while standing on the foot pegs.
I'm sure my big fat wide front (original) tire didn't help, nor did my slow approach speed.
I'm told that in fast, rushing water, that I can dismount and walk it across and it will float right along. Never tried this yet, but I certainly will have to this summer due to some nice trips I got planned.

03-08-2004, 10:34 PM
i have "floated" across a creek that was 15 ft wide and 3 ft deep on my old 185 (it had ballon tires)
i didn't realize it was as deep as it was till i slid off the seat!

03-08-2004, 11:57 PM
I always get carried away on my sx when it comes to water. last week we were out riding and I crossed a shallow part of the creek. on the pass back through the front end lifted up to high and re-aimed for DEEP water. when it touched the seat I got off and went down to my waist in the freezing water! :shock: I just like driving through deep water, not on it! thats just crazy

03-09-2004, 01:25 AM
Where I live, driving ON the water ain't a problem, for about five months of the year, LOL.
But for those who want to cross water and not put any dirt or oil in it, here's how a bunch of the boys in nearby Nova Scotia do it.
Way, way cool. Not sure I'd want to be in the seat while the bike makes its way across the river, though!


03-09-2004, 01:46 AM
a guy i ride with accidently did it at the dunes on his 85 tecate and he had paddles on too...but when he got to the other side he ate it all over the bank...

03-09-2004, 02:03 AM
We were riding across a big deep river and we were warned: give it ol' heck or we won't make it up the very, very steep opposite bank!
And we were also warned that if we did NOT make it, then DO NOT BACK UP AND VEER LEFT TO GET A GOOD RUN or there'd be trouble!!!
Of course, the first guy never made it up the bank, and when he backed down the steep bank into the river, he veered left.
Last we saw of him, his big yellow Foreman was floating downstream at a rapid pace, rear wheels first, and him floating behind it, still desperately grasping the handle grips!

03-09-2004, 02:52 AM
lol my 110 with the small hubs floats right across the lakes hahha, im sitting on it going across the creek while the morons with ranchers and recons are left behind, oh they were so mad... of course i had to show off and i was whipping a donut, and just as i started to turn "wHOOSH"i rolled into the water hahah the thing stayed floating so i just stood and motored it to the other side to go and cry where they couldnt see me lol.

03-09-2004, 12:07 PM
Awsome stories guys. I've done it on skidoo quite a few times and now I'm selling it to get some motor work done, etc...I'm glad to hear this is possible to do on trike. I'll sure drop some jaws when I do it.

03-09-2004, 12:55 PM
The key, I would suspect, is to sit way back on the seat and pin 'er, holding the front up as best you can.
Let me know how it works out.....

03-09-2004, 01:23 PM
haha...i just gas it and hope for the best

03-09-2004, 06:48 PM
Guys, do you think I can make it on my SX ? I have two sets of rear tires: one is like brand new, and the other set is almost done...what set would be better to try that??


03-09-2004, 09:35 PM
slicks arent good for anything execpt street riding(and smokeshows)

03-09-2004, 10:50 PM
During big swings in flow here on the Ark. river a lot of the sand bars end up with pools on them that range from 3ft - 40ft across. We used to mount an oversized skid plate under 185s and 200s. Basically aim it like a gun acrosss the water. Get haulin arse and hang the f*!K on at WOT. Usually made it across really fast but the dismount was a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro! :-D

03-09-2004, 10:57 PM
There was an issue of Dirtwheels mag a while back that had a Banshee with a hull-like skidplate on it and he skipped over 100 feet until he lost momentum and went swimming.

03-09-2004, 11:35 PM
Back in the day there was a sand pit we use to ride at and in the middle of it was collected rain water or a so called pond and all the guys use to "hydroplane"(as they would call it ) across the entire pond which was a pretty good size pond and a good couple or more feet deep when asked their technique they said too go as fast as you could hitting the pond in 5th gear never shifting into 6th gear and leaning back and sitting on the back of the seat all they guys I seen accomplishing this were all riding 1985/86 250r ATC .