View Full Version : Tecate Problems

03-04-2004, 09:24 PM
I am buying a new gasket kit for my hole 85 tecate moter because it leaks oil from sitting for years and was wondering how hard it is to replace them should I use some silicone to hold the gasket and how hard is it to pull the side covers off and what could fall apart when they come off or pop out does the tecate have a center gasket too what all will the complete kit include i am buying it from dennis kirk and does anyone have the tork specs for all of the moter that i can print out and how full should the radiator be because mine shoots antifreze out the over flow is this overheating or is the cap bad?? it only does it when im really on the throtel it runs great but whats the problem if its overheating how can it since its liquid cooled and its not lean its a little rich i really need help

03-04-2004, 09:32 PM
The Moose engine seal kit I have has every seal and gasket for the complete top and bottom end. There is no gasket between the case halves and nothing will fly out or fall out when you take off the side covers.

03-04-2004, 11:10 PM
how hard is it too get them off and will it have the things that go around the shifter and should i do the hole moter?? im really puzzled about the antifreze problem?

03-04-2004, 11:19 PM
You will probably need a case splitting tool, I made from from a 2" x 6"
piece of 1/4" thick stainless steel and some metric allthread. Replace all the seals and gaskets. I have some internal engine pics if you need to see them for reference.

03-04-2004, 11:27 PM
so its not just going to slide off easily im not taking anything apart only puting new gaskets in itso it wont leak oil. the kit come with the seals that go around the kicker and shifter too how hard is it to replace them will i need to pull the top end off to open the bottom?

03-05-2004, 01:46 PM
GO TO The Tecate area and their will be every part diagram on that bike. That site has it all. As for what your doin it shouldnt be too hard to do.

03-06-2004, 10:19 AM
im not too worried about pulling the cases off i want to know do i have to pull the head off to get the cases off

03-06-2004, 10:34 AM
You don't have to take the head off to remove the side cases.

03-06-2004, 10:41 AM
do you think its spiting antifreve out the overflow because of the head and should the radiator be full could the cap be bad??

03-06-2004, 11:08 AM
my advice to you is take it somewhere to be done. You obviously dont have any mechanical aptitude. Not slamming you but, if you are that clueless, dont even try it. I see too many machines "fixed" by backyard mechanics. Now, Im no super expert, but I know enough to do what I know right, and more importantly, I know enough to pay a professional when something is over my head. Doing things wrong always costs you more in the long run.

03-06-2004, 11:14 AM
It better to get it done right than payin big time later.
You could allso just sell it to me seeing how im in NY 2 hehehe

03-06-2004, 11:34 AM
Its this easy

03-07-2004, 02:18 PM
i know somewhat what i am doing i never worked on a 2 stroke befor thats whay i am asking questions about it i can replace the case gaskets i just wanted to know if anything would come off when the case was pulled off im just replacing gaskets not doing anything to the tranny and like i said i never worked on a 2 stroke befor and dident know if the head needed to be removed and i dont know why antifreze is coming out of the overflow on the radiator

03-07-2004, 02:59 PM
Nothing will come out of the cases when you pull then off. Unless something is broken inside.