View Full Version : ATC 110 Rear Brake Cam Spindle

10-15-2023, 09:58 PM
Hello All,

I am attempting to put back together my 1983 Honda ATC 110 that has been sitting for the last 10 plus years. When it was last used I had just done a frame swap because the original frame had cracked. Most everything is complete on the bike/frame except for the brakes. I guess I could never figure them out so I left them off.

I have most of the break linkage part. I may have to Ebay a couple of things though. My question tonight is how to I remove the brake actuator 'arm' from the brake actuator cam? They are currently connected together and won't come apart. I honestly don't remember how I removed them as a single unit as it doesn't fit back in as a single unit. I believe I have to separate these two parts so that I can put the cam inside the brake drum and then reconnect the arm for the actual brake linkage. Any assistance or tips would be great!

Here is an image of the two pieces apart. LINK (https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/zl0AAOSw7Cdh4a1B/s-l1600.jpg)

Thank you

big specht
10-16-2023, 12:11 PM
Remove the bolt and spread the arm where it’s split and you might have to pry it to get it off the splines depending on the amount of rust or dirt and then slid the cam out of the housing. There should be a dot to help line it back up when reassembling it

10-18-2023, 11:10 PM
Remove the bolt and spread the arm where it’s split and you might have to pry it to get it off the splines depending on the amount of rust or dirt and then slid the cam out of the housing. There should be a dot to help line it back up when reassembling it

Thank you, that was helpful. I ended up lining everything up and whacking it with a punch, and it came undone!