View Full Version : Wrinkling Paint

10-12-2022, 09:31 PM
I'm trying to paint a tank for my big red and after applying the first coat of red, it started to wrinkle up. I then sanded that down and repainted only to have the same result. Whats happening here? I would post a picture but it won't currently let me.

10-12-2022, 10:54 PM
Did you apply a primer/sealer coat prior to spraying the top coat?
What products are you using?
What surface prep have you done?

Typically, if the top coat ‘wrinkles’ it means that the primer/sealer or existing old paint you are trying to top coat is not compatible with the solvents in the new paint. The paint solvents are actually softening the lower coat much like a paint stripper does. This can be reduced by applying several ‘dry coats’ and allowing them to harden followed by a light sanding with 800-grit wet and applying a final coat or two of the paint you’re using to obtain the gloss; however, you still run the risk of having the whole mess wrinkle on you again. Lacquer based primer/sealer is typically the safest to use as it doesn’t readily react with most top coats. A urethane and many epoxies over an enamel without using a sealer coat will almost always do what you are describing. Other problems which can show up are:
- fisheye: oily, waxy, or poor subsurface prep
- orange peel from spraying the top coat too dry
- checking from poor surface prep
There are MANY more paint conditions which occur; however the majority are related to spraying metallics or tinted clear.
I assume you are going with the non-metallic Honda Red?

10-14-2022, 09:41 AM
What brand paint are you using and what layer was underneath (primer, factory paint, or other paint?) Some instructions read something like recoat within 1 hour or wait 24 hours meaning if the paint dries more than an hour, your next coat of paint will soften the first coat and wrinkle. Prep, cleanness, and compatibility of products is everything in paint work.

10-14-2022, 03:50 PM
wrinkling paint is generally a chemical reaction to the base material.

10-14-2022, 05:16 PM
If its a plastic tank the gas is leeching through. You won't be able to put decals on it either because of the same issue decals will start lifting and wrinkling as well

10-16-2022, 08:37 PM
I have heard of people putting a liner inside their plastic tanks and the the decals won't peel off. That's assuming that the liner was used correctly in the first place. I suppose the same would go for paint too.

10-16-2022, 10:32 PM
Personally I will follow Honda's lead on this one.
85/86 250r tanks, the decals are on the scoops, I have Clarke tanks on both my 350x's and put my decals on the scoops
I only wish the Clarke 200x tank allowed the factor scoops.
I like the look of a metal tank, but I am tired of chasing rusty tanks