View Full Version : Snow day!!

02-26-2022, 11:54 AM
Do you guys ever ride in snow? I have a pretty good trail system around the homestead and I keep it packed down with snowmobiles so we can ride the trikes a little in the winter. Yesterday we got 10-12 inches of wicked light fluffy snow. Normally I would have to pack the trails to be able to ride on them with the wheelers. This snow was so light that the machines just blew right through it. The only downside was the stuff was flying up into our faces non stop. That and the single digit temps made it a short ride but it was still a good one!
Take care and be well

03-25-2022, 03:53 PM
I took one of my '83 Big Red's out for a snow day back in early Feb. Even took it out on the pond for some slipping and sliding around the ice skaters. Was fun, but definitely spins around real easily.

03-25-2022, 09:26 PM
I took one of my '83 Big Red's out for a snow day back in early Feb. Even took it out on the pond for some slipping and sliding around the ice skaters. Was fun, but definitely spins around real easily.

That's excellent man! We used ours off and on over the winter. We used em a lot for hauling tools and maple syrup tubing and buckets into the woods and used them for pulling sleds with full buckets out. Now the trail is breaking up and is a mixture of snow and thick mud. Still fun but messy!
Take care

ATC King
03-26-2022, 12:56 AM
Some 4-Snow rear tires and a Kenda Front Max really make trike snow riding a whole new ball of wax. It's not going to shame snowmobiles in the deep stuff, but it'll still get up and go.

03-26-2022, 08:45 PM
I've got three machines with the Front Max tires and they are quite an upgrade. It's nice not having a front tire that wants to slide all over the place. May try a set of those 4 snow tires next season. They look like they would work well.
Take care