View Full Version : (your opinion)Protective Gear on ATC's

02-26-2004, 11:36 PM
I just want people's opinion on the subject. Don't dog anyone else for saying their opinion and 2-cents. Just your opinion and nothing else. I personally believe it is up to the rider, and it is up to the riding conditions, if your using it to move things around the farm a helmet shouldn't be needed, but if your gonna do riding that is fast or in a wooded area with alot of varyables that you aren't used too a helmet should be worn.

02-26-2004, 11:51 PM
If I am only going out to the mailbox or doing chores with my quadrunner I usally don't throw one on. But anytime I am riding my R the helmet is there.

02-26-2004, 11:55 PM
Every adult is free to make up his own mind, and is free to take whatever risks he wants with his own saftey, as long as he is not endangering anyone else.

Minors only have whatever right their parents give them, and I draw the line at adults making stupid choices that unnecessarily put children at high risk of serious injury or death. Sure, putting around the backyard in circles on an oversized machine with no gear at riding mower speeds is one thing, but to send them out trail riding on an overize machine with no gear gets you news stories just like the one I reported from a Cleveland TV station. People also need to learn that a helmet is not a suit of armour, and to ride in shorts, no shirt and sandals while wearing a helmet doesnt much put a person in a position to point a finger at a guy who isnt wearing a helmet.

The really bad part is, every time somebody chooses to exercise their right to put themselves at greater unnecessary risk, and ends up a statistic, there is always a group wishing to take that right away from teh rest of us based on the number of people who make poor decisions with their rights, and use those statistics as examples to clamp down on the rest of us. When you get killed or get your kids killed, it really makes the rest of us look bad.

02-27-2004, 12:13 AM
I wanted to put this pic up on the camp post but its locked. maybe it will calm some people down.

all the talking in the world wont make anyone wear or not wear a helmet. and I really dont care if you do or dont. Tell ya what though, when you crash into me, Ill be wearing one.

02-27-2004, 12:17 AM
I don't always wear a helmet either, but today I did. I did a sprocket change over the weekend and I was planning to open it up, so I threw on a helmet and fox MX gloves.

02-27-2004, 12:20 AM
lol, nice addition, something liek that you should have a helmet and atleast jeans on to do, but maybe they were just taking a little roost on that birm and then heading back.

Billy Golightly
02-27-2004, 12:23 AM
Does anyone remember when Mike Ft Laud wrecked his 250R, what his face looked like? Do I need to find the pictures and re-post them? Or even this recent incident that I was part of? http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=17026

02-27-2004, 10:52 AM
I got Mike FT. Lauderdale to buy AND wear a helmet!

02-27-2004, 11:04 AM
DRESS TO CRASH,,,,,, thats my moto . Then when you succesfully execute a great one and someone gets a video you can stand there and laugh with them,, instead of taking a ride in a meat wagon,,,,,,,,,,,,,

02-27-2004, 11:37 AM
I live in Pennsylvania. Last year we repealed the helmet law here for road motorcycles. I still choose to wear one on the highways. But when it comes to me and 3 of my 3 wheeling buddies putting around the woods on late night excursions, we all choose not to wear helmets. We do all wear goggles though (you need your eyes protected even if just putting - briars hurt bad).

We also all wear boots, and normally gloves, just no helmet. Also, the three of us have been riding sincve 1984. I know experience is no subsitiute for head protectino, but common sense and experience surely play a huge role in safety.

Just one more thing, 1 of the three of us is a Health and Safety manager - what a cliche.....(tongue n cheek)

Billy Golightly
02-27-2004, 11:41 AM
Hey samster, if you talk to Mike ask him if he could dig out those pictures and email them to me again...I think some of these guys on here need to see what happened. Sure made me even more so of a helmet wearer.

02-27-2004, 12:07 PM
I always wear a helmet, goggles and MX boots. Over the years I've been whacked in the head by enough branches or hit by enough roost to convince me the proper gear is mandatory.

My 2 cents...

02-27-2004, 06:30 PM
my opinion is this...........anyone who rides without a helmet needs their head examined , before they need their head examined!!! get it????


02-27-2004, 09:32 PM
I usually put a helmet on for riding, but just for puttering around or testing quickly, I don't. It's up to the person really, but I think it's a wise idea. If you feel comfortable riding around with a helmet, and you split your head wide open, don't expect sympathy from me.

02-27-2004, 11:05 PM
ya i agree that if i jump on my trike to drive acrost the lawn to the gas can to fill it up why put a helemt on but if im going for a ride i always have my helment, jeans, workboots (steel toe and shank). i normaly wear a t-shirt unless its getting dark then i toss on a sweater to keep the bug impacts a little softer :D but not long befor i broke the trike and put off fixing it i managed to flip it in the woods off a small rock that i often popped the front tire up on but this time i was in a rush and hit it a lot faster then i should of fliped the trike i ended up under it aginst a tree (that was also keeping the bike ontop of me) with my side/lowerback scratched to hell. that hurt i was luck i had my helment on though as when i went to clean it a few days later it has some nasty gashes in it.

Gear is your freind it might keep you alive!


on a side note i lilky could of blamed the trike and its "bouncy" tires but hey i was the idiot in a rush!
as for kids i think gear should be manditory
do i think kids should ride 200+cc bikes that depends on there size and skil and responsability

*Yes i know my spelling SUCKS but i dont care this is just a forum not a writen paper* Joe

02-27-2004, 11:07 PM
I always wear a helmet, goggles, and gloves. But when ever I ride im in the dunes and hauling trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro.

ATC crazy
02-27-2004, 11:54 PM
I always wear my helmet. Although it never helped me when I cracked my skull open... :rolleyes:

I dont wear it when Im doing work around the house or hauling stuff at a slow pace.

02-28-2004, 02:40 AM
many of my friends family dont wear helmets when we go to the neighborhood track and their adults so im not gona say nothing to them but my dad told me after we got back from riding with them that if someone hes with isnt wearing a helmet and gets hurt he isnt gona help em if they're wearing a helmet he'll be more inclined to help.

02-28-2004, 11:22 AM
I wear full gear when I ride, helmet, boots, chest protector, gloves ect. I just got a full fox honda suit for x-mas, should look sweet when riding the X or ex. I wouldn't even consider not wearing a helmet on anything I own, ATV, road bike or sled. Just my 2 cents.

02-29-2004, 02:37 AM
Timely topic. Today I was doing a little trail riding and I dropped my front tire into a small dry creek as the back tires dropped in the front popped up, I thought the front end would come back down but instead I flipped over backwards, the back of my head hit the ground but luckily I was able to push the trike off sideways as it came down so it didnt pin me.

I always wear helmet, goggles, gloves, jeans and work boots... and I'm glad. ;)

02-29-2004, 02:45 AM
I dont see why wearing a helmet is so hard for some people. I think you are free to needlessly endanger themselves, but why? Why risk being in a wheelchair for the rest of your life or dying because you didnt want to spend 30 secs to put one on? Is it worth it? Its not like it is really that hard to get one and wear one, when you consider how much is at stake.

But those of you who feel that risking your life to save 30 secs is a good idea, feel free. But dont let your recklessnes reflect pooring on other ATV riders.

My 2 cents

02-29-2004, 07:10 AM
In my opinion, it's not the old "I gots my rights" B.S, it's not the old "I am a great rider and don't need one" B.S, it's not the old "my granpappy's been riden' ATC's since 1893 and he's OK", B.S. It's just good old plain laziness. I read all the reasons to wear a helmet, but I do not read any sensible reasons to not wear one.

02-29-2004, 09:47 AM
Whenever I'm doing yard work on the Kodiak I often don't wear a helmet. If I go out for a ride thats going to be longer than a minute you can bet the helmet is on. I ride BMX in this local pit, I've got my ramps in there and I'm clearing 20 foot gaps and tables at times. I've crashed more than enough times but I've never been hurt enough that I wouldn't go back and attempt what I just crashed on (just scratches) thanks to my Fox MX helmet, knee/shin guards and elbow guards. Now I have these jumps made larger and wider for my Tecate, you can bet that I will be wearing full gear and I also got a pair of Fox Tracker MX boots for Christmas and a chest protector is on my wishlist. Gear saves lives, theres no question about that.

02-29-2004, 10:01 AM
Well, If you want opinions then you got enough here already. My opinion is I don't wear them. I don't want to wear them. The only time I wore a helmet was when I rode to Sturgis on my yamaha virago 750 (sold) when I was 17. Then it was mandatory that I wear a helmet because I was under 18. Ever since then I do not wear a helmet on motorcycles except when it is raining, hailing, cold out, or in a state that requires helmets. So I guess I am going against the flow and the helmet nazi's will rip into me again.... But ya'll talk about your rights being taken away everyday but yet try to force this crap on other people.

Calmly replying

02-29-2004, 10:50 AM
I wear my helmet, MX gloves, pants and boots everytime I ride my SX. I think it is very important: I had a lil accident last summer, and I had my helmet. If I didn't have it, I would have had real pain!! I knocked my head on the handlebars :? Anyway I recommend you to wear the protective gear, guys.

Ace Mon
02-29-2004, 12:47 PM
I wear it all . Everytime I go out . I'm no newbie rider either . You never know what could happen . Even if you are familliar to where you ride . The reason I wear it all ? I broke my leg once and I KNOW if I had some riding boots on the outcome would have been different . To each is own , but I have learned by MY OWN mistakes . Yes it was totally my fault I broke my leg . Now as far as street riding goes , I have been hit twice . No fault of my own . I wear gloves and a helmet everytime I go out . Like I said ... You never know what could happen . I'm not preaching by any means .I see people tearing it up W/O a helmet from time to time . More power too them . But I have to make a living and cant be put outta commission . Ace

02-29-2004, 07:42 PM
After i saw one guy die and the other allmost die in a head-on colision between 2, 3wheelers i will always wear a helmet. The one guy might of lived if he was wearing one. Neather was at fault just one of those freak things that happens, it sure tought me a huge lesson and for all the people that are anti helmets your just plain stupid, but its your choice but just think about how your family is going to feel when you went out riding and you dont come back alive.

02-29-2004, 09:57 PM
I always wear a helmet no matter what or where i'm ridin...unless i'm just pullin it into the garage or somethin

03-03-2004, 06:04 AM
green human i got photos in front of me of u and the old man over the dunes no helemts no shirts so wats the bloody difference wiht us doing it look stevo come off real bad no helmet the other month but hes sweet

03-04-2004, 07:28 AM
The photo you have is over 20 years old. We were riding 90s, not 250r's. Me and your old man were not stupid enough to do that! I said in my first post about this subject, I crashed hard without a helmet and ended up in a helicopter. Your dad had to go to my place and tell my dad I was on my way to hospital. Not pretty. I just don't wan't to hear about someone having telling YOUR dad your either 1 DEAD or 2 Going to be fed jelly for the rest of your life while sh**ting yourself in a nappy because you're braindead, get it?

1985 200s
03-04-2004, 10:16 AM
So I guess I am going against the flow and the helmet nazi's will rip into me again.... But ya'll talk about your rights being taken away everyday but yet try to force this crap on other people.

No one is forcing this crap on anyone. Don't read it if it doesn't pertain to you. On a side note anyone who allows a child (anyone under 16 or 18 for that matter) to ride without a helmet is plain and simply a retard. If I were to let one of my kid's ride without a helmet and they were to get killed or be paralyzed I would not be able to live with my self let alone all the anti ATC finatics would have a field day with it. Just because I have a right to choose doesn't give me the right to endanger the welfare of a child and there will be a day ( if there isn't allready in some states) that the parent or guardian will be liable and charged with criminally negligent homicide or endangering the welfare of a child. A person knowingly allowing a child to ride something that is potentially dangerous is liable. I know alot of teens are know it alls and will go against there parents, but when it's the parents azz on the line it will be no helmet no ride. I allways wear my helmet because freaky sh1t can happen and I'd like to see my kid's grow up and be here for them through life not dead because I have rights.

I always wear my helmet. Although it never helped me when I cracked my skull open...

If you cracked your skull open with a helmet on I believe without it you would have been fertilizer.

I am not looking to start trouble just my opinion. I don't see the reasoning in giving the anti ATC people more ammunition than they can allready dig up. The less the better for all ATC-ATV riders. Ignorance only helps the anti's take away our RIGHTS to ride so why push the envelope.
Sorry about the novel.

03-04-2004, 11:30 PM
i always wear a helmet. it's not worth the risk not to wear one. :-D

03-05-2004, 08:09 PM
There are stats out there that would disprove that helmets really save your life...And there are stats that say otherwise. That is why this is such a hot topic.

Did you know that a good portion of helmets are not approved for any accident over 13 mph? Atccrazy might not be so crazy after all. Did you also know that while HEAD injuries go down when wearing a helmet, neck injuries go up. Along with other injuries. An accident will happen no matter what.

It is not about wearing a helmet or not. IT is about respecting other people, and the machine/toys you play on. There is always a certian amount of risk when you ride an atv, atc, snowmobile, and/or motorcycle. Only when you are educated, trained, and well prepared will you save your ass. Simply putting a helmet on will not. I am sorry but that is my belief. I get discouraged when I read, that such and such is an idiot because he farms with no helmet. Do you know he far more likely statstically speaking to get hurt by an animal then his/her atv. How are you to convince that person that helmet is the smartest thing of all with insults?

As far as giving atv a bad name....well not wearing a helmet is doing that. It is the continual belief, that since there were 88 deaths in such and such state, on an atc and someone looking out for the rest of us reckless fools, that has done that. And we alllow it by voting in judges that give into lawsuits. Legistlators that candor to louder groups. EVERY time someone wins a few million for wrecking their atv, puts a black eye on us.. Your answer require helmets......My answer stop it at the source. Everyone has missed the full impact of what happened at the cpsc ban.

You educate, you inform with full facts, and you continue to do this for your children, their children and on.... Every time you take a decision making process out of someone hands (like your child) you take away a tiny bit of common sense. Common sense is taught, not born.. How easy should we make things, they get bad before we realize this?