View Full Version : do you finish 1 before starting the next?

Jim mac
12-26-2021, 06:43 PM
most of us here have too many trikes right? And since we know a project isn't ever done, but do we finish 1 trike then move onto the next?
Myself, I'm all over the place. when I find them I drag them home. The previous project gets shoved back and the new exciting project gets worked on so I end up with these never completed projects.
They run but somethings alway needs to be finished.
my old 185s, new tires, hi flite seat and cushion, only runs at 1/2 choke or full choke, and both brakes are almost not working.
brought home a bunch of other projects since the 185s got them running, sold some kept some.
went to ride with the kids this afternoon. took the original 185s, Oops never did fix the carb or rhe brakes, brake shoes ended up on a different trike, the China 200x carb went on another trike.
I've even got a brand new glass rear fender for the OG 185s. tonight, ebay order, brake shoes, carb kit, just to finish this trike up. Then move to the next trike. jim

12-26-2021, 10:39 PM
First off, there's no such thing as too many trikes, just too small of a garage. Second. Nope. I work on mine using a pretty scatterbrained method. I work on this one for a while, the next one for a while, etc. Eventually, they do get to the point that I can ride them.

Jim mac
12-26-2021, 10:59 PM
I can ride them, just forgetting which one has the poor brakes is a surprise. took the latest 200s around the cul de sac today. the throttle cable is wrong and holds the carb open a bit and won't turn down. went into the shed, found a proper thumb throttle and a new cable. I think its getting new brake cables too (have a new set) jim

12-27-2021, 07:48 PM
I start a build then get distracted with a trike or a vehicle sometimes even getting some new tools will distract me.I also start buying parts for one build then I see a part for another build so I buy it if I'm getting a good deal.I have been working on and off on my liquid x but I bought a recoil for the auto 200 motor that will go on it if the liquid motor doesn't work out. Still collecting parts for the 500r and starting on my 84 r build.My 86 x needs a few things.

Jim mac
12-27-2021, 09:49 PM
I've sort of lucked out, my projects are 185s or 200s so most parts i order fits anything I'm working on except finding seats and plastics. I can get the trikes with no seats or plastics running and if i want to take it out, pull.the rear fender and seat off another similar trike. jim

12-27-2021, 10:00 PM
300r, I do the same thing. Jim, that's my one big tule: all riders will have good brakes. I just don't want to ride one without them. I'll end up getting myself into trouble if I try that.

12-27-2021, 11:28 PM
I will admit, I'm a 90%er, for me its getting them running, that's the challenge, then I kinda' loose interest unless its a special model.
I get them dialed in then move on to the next non runner, when "toy" money runs low, I go back finish the last few odds
and ends and sell one out of the hoard.

But going forward 2022, I want to focus on just my sport bikes, I want then nicer than they are.
I will cut loose at least 3 may be 4, that would fund the build up of the sports models and give me some much needed space in the shop
I have: 86 250r, 85 350x, (3- 84,84,85) 200x, 85 250sx
That reminds me, its time for a line up picture. lol

12-30-2021, 09:29 PM
yea right..... LOL