View Full Version : Help me compare Tri Z and ATC 250R pistons - Tim Sr & ot

02-26-2004, 01:09 AM
I am trying to see if an ATC 250R big bore piston will work in a properly bored, sleeved, and reinforced Tri z motor.

I have heard the pistons are similar and that some TRX and ATC's use a YZ piston. IF the Tri Z can use the big bore Honda piston (provided its matched to the size specs) then a 300cc Tri Z (or larger) is possible.

Please post any pics of the Honda 250R ATC piston and Tri Z 250 pistons. As many as possible are welcome....

Everyone technical can help in the comparison....

I am sure Tim Sr. knows a ton about this so I hope he can chime in too...

Thanks guys!!

02-26-2004, 08:13 PM
I dont know about big bore, but standard pistons are really different.

02-26-2004, 08:15 PM
pic 2

02-26-2004, 08:17 PM
and pic 3.

02-26-2004, 08:35 PM
Thanks Chainsaw!

How did those pictures turn out for you?


02-26-2004, 08:44 PM
excellent man.. I do however need the exact sizes for each of those if you can give them to me. Once the other one arrives, Ill cut up my fender and send them all of..... :D

02-26-2004, 11:23 PM
Hey Chain,

I thought I put that in the email. They are 1.25 inches tall and 2.25 inches wide.....exactly!! (I did not round those numbers).

The sticker is on its way...

Thanks for the help man!


02-26-2004, 11:48 PM
oh. I must of misread.. I thought you meant the one off the headlight was that size.. lol