View Full Version : I need templates

02-24-2004, 02:20 AM
hey guys i own a machine shop up here in oregon and its been sitting around and my friend down the road knows how to make sprockets and is willing to teach me. so with your people help i was wondering on your next sprocket or sprockets you find if you can send them to me so i can make me templated and a CAD program so i can make em. i am pretty sure i want to do this on my off time. ;) so if you maybe intrested please do tell me here or email me 8) :D

also i may be able to start making some other parts. i have a lathe on which when i get good enough and all that i can make billet Rims! :D
but one thing at a time i want to start small.

also if you have items that you have seen for sale as "billet" post them below so i can see what i can make.

lol Thanks CHAINSAW you kinda inspired me :shock: :-D

02-24-2004, 10:40 PM
when i made a sprocket i used a dile wheel and an horaztial mill and all u need is the number of teeth

02-25-2004, 12:09 AM
no problem man.. when you get good, lemme know. I have tons of stuff I want made for my 85.

02-25-2004, 12:45 AM
If you can make an aluminum impeller on a steel shaft for a tri-Z, youll have a gold mine. Ill take two, and give you $75 each!

02-25-2004, 12:50 AM
i want to start simple like making sprockets so if anyone has sprockets they can send me that would be great. it would be cool if i could makesprockets for all year atc's and maybe start selling them :-P

02-25-2004, 12:52 AM
ya think you can get some pics of it? or maybe send me a brokken one TimSr? :?