View Full Version : 83 250R Carrier Bearing wont stay tight

07-20-2020, 11:36 AM
Hey can some one give me some suggestions. My 83 250r's carrier bearing will not stay tight. I get about 5 minutes of riding and then my chain is loose again. It has a new carrier bearing in it and I am tightening all 3 bolts. The only thing I can think of is the little gaskets that the 2 allen bolts go through are missing. Is that needed to keep the bearing in the correct position? If so does anyone know where i can get those or a way to fix it? Thakn you

07-20-2020, 11:57 AM
The rubber gaskets never did anything but keep dirt out. SOunds like like carrier in the swinger is either worn out (ID) or the (OD) on your carrier was machined to small allowing it to just sping when you put power down. You will need to measure everything and check the threads on your bolts in the swinger...they are might be stripping also. Normally I run lock nuts on allen head bolts for carriers.

El Camexican
07-20-2020, 01:59 PM
Is the carrier sleeve or drum clean, not dented, scored cracked or otherwise out of round?

Are the bolts and threads are in good condition?

Is there is still space of at least 1mm between the two halves of the sleeve after you've properly torqued it?

If the answer is yes to all I'd ask if your tightening it to the factory spec.

If in fact the carrier is slightly undersized you should be able to grind or file the gap of the sleeve a bit in order to allow it to better clamp the carrier.