View Full Version : 86 Honda 200X suspension

03-05-2020, 03:40 PM
Any recommendations on rear heavier duty Spring on an 86 Honda 200X? The shock is good, it's just soft and I weigh about 190. I bought progressive springs for the front, now need to stiffen up the rear.


03-05-2020, 03:54 PM
Think I remember the 83-85 was a direct fit and heavier duty for the 86.
It’s a different shock but the spring interchanges- just wait for someone to back me up on this but I’m 95% sure.

Or u can buy this terry cable one for: ONE MILLION DOLLARS :D

Hows it going shindig- must be nice weather there too?

Sorry, been couching it all day.... I’m bored

03-05-2020, 04:35 PM
Think I remember the 83-85 was a direct fit and heavier duty for the 86.
It’s a different shock but the spring interchanges- just wait for someone to back me up on this but I’m 95% sure.

Or u can buy this terry cable one for: ONE MILLION DOLLARS :D

Hows it going shindig- must be nice weather there too?

Sorry, been couching it all day.... I’m bored

Yeah it's a nice day but I'm at work indoors....lol. It's supposed to be nice through the weekend (mid-60's and sunny). I just sent the gas tank off to a guy from Honda Hoarders to re-paint, I've tried it twice and can never get it right. Probably do some work on my 250R this weekend, get it ride ready. I ordered new OE frame bolts for it and had the rear axle sandblasted and nickel plated. Looks good, just need to put it all back together.

On the 200X I definitely need something stronger than the OE rear Spring. It just sinks too much when I sit on it...lol

03-05-2020, 07:28 PM
Also just recently installed a SuperTrapp on the 200X, much better than the DG.


03-06-2020, 08:53 AM
Hi Guys!

I'm currently rebuilding a couple shocks for buddys, one is an 85 200x shock (different shock than the 86). Spring rate (stiffness) has been a big mystery for me and there isn't a lot of good information out there about what the stock springs were rated at. So I made a spring rate test rig using a loadcell from amazon, a hydraulic press, and a dial indicator.

Bottom line is I'll post up my information about the stock springs I've measured (several including a couple 1st gen 200x springs, 350x springs, 3rd gen 250R, and a 250sx spring). I'm at work now, so I don't have my notes with me. Also, I plan on measuring them again this weekend after I refine the test setup a bit.

While I know this doesn't help you with your 2nd gen 200x, I did find a source of higher rate springs that fit on the 1st gen 200x from a company that primarily makes automotive springs, Hyperco. I found an 8" x 2.25" spring at a higher rate than stock (1200 lbs/inch compared to ~900ish lbs/inch stock).

If anyone in the detroit metro area has a stock 2nd gen 200x spring I can measure, we can post up the results to let the community know what the factory spring is. Then you can all make more educated decisions on higher rate springs to choose.

03-06-2020, 10:56 AM
That's good info Frank. Yeah, I'm not sure if the springs just wear/soften over the years or not? The OE one seems soft, but at 190 lbs, I'm probably a little too heavy for the stock guidelines. The shock is good, I had it re-built a few years ago.


03-06-2020, 08:14 PM

Great teaser pic. That X looks NICE

You'll be happy with the Supertrap

Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

03-09-2020, 12:30 PM
Great teaser pic. That X looks NICE

You'll be happy with the Supertrap

Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

Thanks. I need to quit spending money on the stupid thing, it hardly gets ridden. I just sent the tank off to a guy on Honda Hoarders to re-store to OE. Now I'm having a bunch of the bolts and other metal parts that keep rusting zinc plated. Never ends...lol