View Full Version : What do you call these?

El Camexican
01-29-2020, 08:55 PM
Do any of you know the correct term for this style of grommet? I’d like to buy a few exactly like the one in the photo, but for the life of me I can’t seem to find them on the Internet searching with the key words that come to mind.



Thanks in advance

01-29-2020, 09:55 PM
Stator wire grommet?

DAM shop
01-29-2020, 09:57 PM
What is that on? A cable?

01-29-2020, 10:36 PM
Correct ..... it’s definitely a Grommet
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-DT1-DT2-DT3-RT1-RT2-RT3-Stator-Wire-Grommet-NOS/170678537878?hash=item27bd3bce96:g:UhMAAOxyLVZRX6D e

El Camexican
01-29-2020, 11:42 PM
Stator wire grommet?

Yes, on a Trail Tech stator cable. Fits a Tri Z case perfectly and has a decent length of sheath molted onto it.

Thanks guys!

El Camexican
01-30-2020, 09:04 AM
Found some reproduction rubber for a 250/490 IT which as near as I can figure should fit a YZ or a Tri Z give or take an extra hole.

Then I started looking for the black plastic sheath that most wiring you see exiting a stater cover pass-through. Once again I can’t seem to find anything, and I know that it’s got to be a commonly available item.

All that seems to be out there are the braided nylon sheaths. If any of you know how to search for the black plastic, vinyl or whatever it is please let me know.

DAM shop
01-30-2020, 12:43 PM

High temperature wire harness tubing

01-30-2020, 02:41 PM
Found some reproduction rubber for a 250/490 IT which as near as I can figure should fit a YZ or a Tri Z give or take an extra hole.

Then I started looking for the black plastic sheath that most wiring you see exiting a stater cover pass-through. Once again I can’t seem to find anything, and I know that it’s got to be a commonly available item.

All that seems to be out there are the braided nylon sheaths. If any of you know how to search for the black plastic, vinyl or whatever it is please let me know.

What about using shrink tubing and a hair dryer?? (Frank Zappa)

El Camexican
01-30-2020, 07:46 PM
What about using shrink tubing and a hair dryer?? (Frank Zappa)

I’ve done that on some harnesses, but it’s nowhere near as pretty looking as the original sheath that they use from the factory.

El Camexican
01-30-2020, 09:38 PM

High temperature wire harness tubing

Found this seller, thanks!


01-30-2020, 11:08 PM
I have the high temp soft tubing. DAM shop showed a pic of the same site I used to buy it from, now I buy it direct from the manufacture (around 1500ft min order).


I have 6mm, 8mm, and 10mm. I've tried other suppliers, but the tubing is always super stiff and not soft like OEM. Only that high gloss tubing even comes close to OEM.

Here's a link to the store that I posted the link to the image of. Joe (the site owner) seems to be getting rid of the high gloss tubing.


I'd advise against heat shrink, most of them are rated for 60-80c for the shrinking temp, so normal usage temp should be lower than that. At least that's my view point on it.

El Camexican
01-31-2020, 12:39 AM
I have the high temp soft tubing. DAM shop showed a pic of the same site I used to buy it from, now I buy it direct from the manufacture (around 1500ft min order).


I have 6mm, 8mm, and 10mm. I've tried other suppliers, but the tubing is always super stiff and not soft like OEM. Only that high gloss tubing even comes close to OEM.

Here's a link to the store that I posted the link to the image of. Joe (the site owner) seems to be getting rid of the high gloss tubing.


I'd advise against heat shrink, most of them are rated for 60-80c for the shrinking temp, so normal usage temp should be lower than that. At least that's my view point on it.

If you're interested in redoing my harness from the stator plate to the first connector shoot me a PM with a price. I'd send you the stock parts as well as Ricky Stator ignition and lighting coils and the rubber grommet I just bought.

01-31-2020, 05:22 AM
Shot you a pm =).

02-01-2020, 05:20 PM
Use PS2 - He will make you a very nice harness, he found a great niche to excel in...

02-01-2020, 09:13 PM
Thing-a-ma-bob, dooma-hickie, watch-a-ma-call-it always worked for my dad.


El Camexican
02-01-2020, 10:59 PM
Thing-a-ma-bob, dooma-hickie, watch-a-ma-call-it always worked for my dad.


Thanks, I’ll try adding those to my eBay searches.

El Camexican
02-07-2020, 09:04 PM
What do ya think Shep? $20 bucks, collar is a little lose and I will have to punch my own holes (I think the OEM was the same).

Still waiting to hear if Trail Tech will sell me their unit separately.







02-07-2020, 09:09 PM
Can you tell if it's a rubberized plastic, or real rubber? The listing made it sound like it was a real rubber part, but the pics makes me think it's just a pour mold clone of the OEM, aka exactly what Shep would be able to make =). What's the width, depth, and height of the D style one? I contacted the seller about reproducing other models but got no reply.

02-08-2020, 12:32 AM
Send me which ever you’d like an exact copy of...or both, on one with small holes it’d be a single pour but the mold halves would have protruding shafts (holes) from both sides. You’d just have to punch through a thin layer membrane when you get them(if that makes sense) both parts look pretty simple to do, kinda
The rubber I’ve been using is really firm but is a perfect match for grommets.
I’m always looking for hobby work on cold winter nights.
Santa bought me gift cards to an assortment of rubber/plastic sources that I’ve been waiting to use anyway.

I’ll pm you my address tomorrow if you decide to send them just give me a heads up so I can be on the lookout for them.
Your price would be a couple beers if our paths ever cross...


Ps. An oem one would be best to copy if in good shape.

El Camexican
02-08-2020, 01:16 AM
Send me which ever you’d like an exact copy of...or both, on one with small holes it’d be a single pour but the mold halves would have protruding shafts (holes) from both sides. You’d just have to punch through a thin layer membrane when you get them(if that makes sense) both parts look pretty simple to do, kinda
The rubber I’ve been using is really firm but is a perfect match for grommets.
I’m always looking for hobby work on cold winter nights.
Santa bought me gift cards to an assortment of rubber/plastic sources that I’ve been waiting to use anyway.

I’ll pm you my address tomorrow if you decide to send them just give me a heads up so I can be on the lookout for them.
Your price would be a couple beers if our paths ever cross...


Ps. An oem one would be best to copy if in good shape.

I'll order another one for you and try to send a lower OEM section. There is room for improvement that I'll pass on with the parts.


02-08-2020, 03:59 PM
Correct ..... it’s definitely a Grommet
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-DT1-DT2-DT3-RT1-RT2-RT3-Stator-Wire-Grommet-NOS/170678537878?hash=item27bd3bce96:g:UhMAAOxyLVZRX6D e

He's made 4000$ off of those!!!!

02-08-2020, 04:20 PM
Real number is $6437.90 assuming the prices never changed. You still have to take out shipping, ebay and paypal fees (about 15%), cost of materials, taxes etc. They probably profit something like $2-3 each.

I have a listing with big numbers too, but it's a 4 year old listing lol. It is my best selling ebay product though. Not trying to brag or anything, just keeping it real. Also the price has increased a fair bit over time.

http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5575566262&toolid=10001&campid=5338648483&customid=&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F1920352802 53

El Camexican
02-14-2020, 09:53 PM
Shep, your parts are in my mailbox. I’ll include a roached OEM for your viewing pleasure when I get back up to the States. PS2, I found some supposedly OEM quality sheathing and I don’t care enough about matching wire colors to bother you, so I’m good for now, thanks.




Just need to install the new pulse generator or whatever it’s called and I can finish it up and refurbish the rest of them.

02-14-2020, 10:04 PM
No prob on my end =).

Hope that wire has a good temp rating, that's why I originally bought the fiber braided wire, 200c rating. My "normal" harness wiring is 125c rated, higher end PVC wire seems to be 105c rated and the cheapest wire around is something like 60-80c rated. Not sure what kind of temps you'd expect at the stator, but I'd guess around 80c or so with a heat soaked engine.

02-14-2020, 10:56 PM
EL- I’ll be watching the mail for it. I ordered more rubber mix yesterday actually/ it’ll probably get here mid-week.

Ps2- I’ve got a goodie bag of plastic/rubber things mostly fails due to air pockets or no UV additive added to mix. I’ll try to get it in mail tomorrow - I’ll send a key dash too but a failed one, (no UV)
I think you’ll be amazed at the strength of the rubber.


02-14-2020, 11:06 PM
Yea defo interested in how they turn out. John made me some 350x headlight socket rubber boots, they were strong but really stuff. Guessing it might have been like a 70 or 80 rated mix instead of like a 50-60ish (can't remember the rating name off the top of my head).

02-15-2020, 01:10 AM
EL- I’ll be watching the mail for it. I ordered more rubber mix yesterday actually/ it’ll probably get here mid-week.

Ps2- I’ve got a goodie bag of plastic/rubber things mostly fails due to air pockets or no UV additive added to mix. I’ll try to get it in mail tomorrow - I’ll send a key dash too but a failed one, (no UV)
I think you’ll be amazed at the strength of the rubber.


I am, and still am, amazed at how strong the rubber is!!

Stuff is way more tough than I had imagined...

El Camexican
02-15-2020, 02:20 AM
I am, and still am, amazed at how strong the rubber is!!

Stuff is way more tough than I had imagined...

That’s exactly what I said when I put one on the faucet and filled it up to the size of a medicine ball :p:

03-15-2020, 09:54 PM
First ones fresh out of the mold, still a lil bit soft, but nice. Still have a couple days on the larger part but that mold has been started.
261907 261908


El Camexican
03-15-2020, 10:38 PM
Damn you’re fast!

03-16-2020, 02:38 PM
Learned something new today, don’t use metal washers as part of a mold to help make a tighter fit on something......
Won’t just slide off (rubber too tough) and need to cut the washer off which can’t happen.

Now gotta find those plastic washers i have somewhere...
Atleast half the mold is still good.....what the heck was I thinking...

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03-17-2020, 08:10 AM
Ok- done. Nice tight (er) fit. Now I’ve got a question for you, the opening (top) it’s like a 1/4 inch opening I believe for just 3-wires? Want me to close that up a bit? Or leave as is
I could make that end solid 1/8 thick rubber like cap that u could just make holes for the wires (water tight) if that makes sense?



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El Camexican
03-17-2020, 09:45 AM

03-17-2020, 11:11 AM
I Wasn’t thinking that you’ve got, or that there’s a sleeve that goes in there too. Probably best bet is to leave it like it is. (The opening) top
I think.


And smudge some silicone around the sleeve if need be/ there probably was some from the factory, maybe.
Easy to close it up a bit though

03-17-2020, 02:03 PM
I suspect the harness tubing went inside of the boot, and harness taped around it to "seal" it and hold the tubing in. Could be wrong though, not a type I've worked with much.

03-17-2020, 05:21 PM
Order a nylon washer assortment from somewhere, I've got allot of odd balls but an assortment would be the balls...

El Camexican
03-18-2020, 08:44 PM
Seems I just lucked out and got an OEM part in good condition off of eBay. As you can see in the photo it’s a loose fit right from the factory. The SHEATH on the wiring which contains four strands is .300 inch in diameter. If you can reduce the sleeve ID slightly it would be a much better fit.



03-18-2020, 10:01 PM
Ok sounds good,
What I’ll do is send you 5 of the exact (top size) opening copies there just under 5/16”
-I made a few-

Now (tonight) I’ll slim down the (top size) opening and send 5 of those too.

U can pic the one that works better and have lots of extras

I should be able to ship em’ out on Friday
Same return address correct?


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El Camexican
03-19-2020, 01:53 AM
Ok sounds good,
What I’ll do is send you 5 of the exact (top size) opening copies there just under 5/16”
-I made a few-

Now (tonight) I’ll slim down the (top size) opening and send 5 of those too.

U can pic the one that works better and have lots of extras

I should be able to ship em’ out on Friday
Same return address correct?


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I tossed a paper with the shipping address in the box.

Please PM me your paypal address and the damage + shipping.


03-19-2020, 05:30 AM
Yup, I see the paper. You owe me nothing, we’re all set.


03-22-2020, 03:36 PM
One last picture of the kids before they get divided up tonight. Think I’ve seen enough of these for a lifetime or a while anyway.....EL- your group of 10 will be shipped in a touch of baby powder that’ll wash off.

Only one fail in the bunch/it was the first test on how many grams mix I needed to fill mold. First one came up short.


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03-22-2020, 04:38 PM
About 33 sets, that's some pretty good mass producing there xD.

El Camexican
10-12-2020, 09:36 PM
Finally got these home! Thank you Shep!!!! Will try to install one ASAP.


Long story, but basically a lot of people did a lot of favors and everything I’ve had mailed to TX since February arrived to my place today.

Also got all the wires ps2 recommended, I should be good to go on my Tri-Z ignitions.

10-14-2020, 04:12 AM
Good luck, hopefully all works out well for you =)

Tri-Z 250
10-14-2020, 09:59 AM
I could use a few of these, great idea.