View Full Version : 84 honda 250r... 1st start after top end(VIDEO)

01-19-2020, 06:38 PM
*video link below*

Just had top end done, and It's now a 330, started up 2nd kick and this is how it idles . Seems to be pretty good but idk how a GOOD one is suppose to sound. Also quite a bit of smoke... normal? The throttle has a little delay in it too when you push it a little. Any concerns you hear in this video or advice ?
Thank you (link below)



01-19-2020, 08:58 PM
I'm no 250R expert, but I think it sounds good. It sounds more crisp like a newer two stroke does. The extra smoke? Since the top end was just redone, there may be some assembly lube that's still burning off. I have a friend who likes to jet his two strokes a little rich for a break in and then he goes back to the correct jets. This could also explain the extra smoke. Richer=more fuel. More fuel=more oil. More oil=more smoke.

01-26-2020, 12:11 PM
Thanks man I'll keep an eye to see if the smoke gets better , hopefully roll it out and start it up a few times