View Full Version : 125m Rattle Help

09-18-2019, 08:35 PM
Hey guys I need some help identifying this rattle on my new 85 125m. It happens at mid to high rpm and in every gear and in neutral. Its fairly loud especially when someone else is riding it and I'm behind it. My best guess is it's the broken shift drum brake rattling due to vibrations. I tried searching it, but came up with nothing. Anybody got any ideas?

Homeless Dave
09-19-2019, 12:33 PM
I have logged a lot of time on an 85 125, and i know that the engine vibration at high rpms are really bad. might have rattled something loose. I feel problems with a shift drum wold cause more issues than a noise. check if the exhaust is tight. It could maybe be the chain guard, they rattle a lot if they are loose.

09-19-2019, 02:57 PM
Yea most rattles I've found has related to the exhaust or the chain guard. Kind of doubt it's in the engine, it would be more of an engine noise and rpm would effect it a lot more (like an engine knock, tick etc).

09-19-2019, 04:38 PM
Ok thank you guys for the input. I will check the exhaust out first. I have already replaced the chain so I do not believe it's the chain guard. Will update ya'll when fixed.