View Full Version : And now these trikes keep making me buy them.

Jim mac
08-15-2019, 08:47 PM
posted my big red I picked up last month and ended up selling it a week ago. tried to stay away from buying any more crap BUT! a guy throws a ad for a 2 cheap three wheelers and that's all he put. So I call and ask what model trikes and how much.
Turns out hes got 2 85 200x trikes. 600 obo.
yes, I bought both of them for 500 bucks. 1 is stock, needs both brakes pumped up. the other has a cam and a pipe and both brakes need pumped up. great tires. Seller is 68 and downsizing. jim259699

08-15-2019, 09:05 PM
Seems like the deal of the day to me, nice score!

08-15-2019, 09:15 PM
Looks similar to the two 200x's I picked up for $500, only had 1 good stator between the two engines though and only 1 carb.

Maybe it's a term not used in my area, what what do you mean the brakes need pumped up? Like they need to be bled, rebuilt, pads replaced?

Jim mac
08-15-2019, 09:42 PM
brakes are intact, but the plungers pushed in. I'm going to try a little air pressure to push the plungers back. in was told they were functioning a year ago, but it's been sitting and someone applied the brakes and the plunger didnt return. I've had that happen on another 200x and got the plunger moving and bled them and they worked fine. jim

08-16-2019, 01:33 AM
Ahh I see. Once you free up the master, I'd say flush the fluid out, sounds like it might have gotten some moisture in it. Brake fluid attracts moisture out of the air, so flushing it and using new fluid would probably help things out quite a bit.

08-16-2019, 07:48 AM
Nicely done. 3 wheelers are addicting. My wife says it is a sickness.

Jim mac
08-16-2019, 07:50 AM
I havent seen a 200x for under 600 bucks on craigslist in quite some time. as long as the motors run, I think I did okay. nice thing too is I dont have to buy tires, they are all in great shape. jim

Jim mac
08-16-2019, 10:51 PM
Added gas (leaky petcock). Firstbone fired right up. Had to pull the carb onbthe second one and clean the pilot jet and its running. Second one has rear brakes. Theres enough of the front brake piston sticking out I should be able to grab it after taking the lever off to flush the front brakes.
Ive got one new peacock someplace. Just need to find it.
I guess the plan is to get everything working on one. Then attack the second one. Wish me luck. Jim

08-17-2019, 12:49 AM
I noticed in your sig you have a couple ATC70's with ?? years, if you can read the vin numbers you can check out what year they are on a vin decoder. My site below also supports the engine serial number too.


Jim mac
08-17-2019, 02:31 AM
I need to update my Sig. The 70s are both 85's. I think my 110 is a 85 also. And the 2 200x trikes I just got again 85's. Sold all the others. Jim

Jim mac
09-05-2019, 10:25 PM
little update, bought a couple Ebay front brake lever assemblies for the trikes. front brakes work. one trike needed a rear master cylinder, again Ebay for a low buck setup.so both trikes has brakes. instead new peacocks, 1 trike needs a chain so its ordered, just not installed.
best upgrade, I bought a 70 el camino project, had to get a level 1 inspection, since the guy was here anyway, they charged me 5 buck each to inspect the trikes. I ran over to the dmv and transferred the title on the el camino, since I was there I had them do the bonded title paperwork for the trikes.
Just need to buy a bond for each trike on the way home from work Friday then stop at dmv to get the title.
As quick as I usually sell these things, I really didnt need a title. but having papers makes selling easier. Not to mention, the kids are talking about dirt toys and I'll have a couple trikes I can take out. jim

Jim mac
09-06-2019, 09:58 PM
Bought the bonds for the trikes ($50 each) ran to dmv and got a title for both ($4 each). Feels good to actually own these things legally. Jim

09-07-2019, 08:30 PM
Nicely done. 3 wheelers are addicting. My wife says it is a sickness.

I try hard not to use words like sickness, addiction, and disease. Those make it sound like a bad thing. We all know that it's not!:naughty:

09-08-2019, 01:13 PM
Nicely done. 3 wheelers are addicting. My wife says it is a sickness.

Women have a sickness with money itself!

Pocket books, clothes, having the nails done, like new cars, having the hair done, vacations, and shoes, don't forget the shoes!! :lol:

My ex wife had no desire to save 1 dime. She had no issue living paycheck to paycheck...