View Full Version : 200s decompression mechanism.

06-20-2019, 05:11 PM
Am I the only one who loathes and despises this contraption?
I’m sure some people’s actually work but have yet to lay eyes on one that does. Actually I have never seen one that wasn’t all F’d up.

The manual lever never gives a problem unless you hang the lever on something and bend it and then that’s no fault of the mechanism.

Dumb design.

Got one I’m “Fixing” right now.

06-20-2019, 05:21 PM

An old fender washer is about the right thickness.
File to shape......weld.....grind......sand blast.
A good coat of primer and paint and this turd will never have existed.


Install manual lever during engine rebuild.
Problem solved.
Fewer moving parts mean less stuff to break.

06-20-2019, 05:51 PM
Yeah, I've seen JB weld on one before. Duct tape too.
Seems a lazy way to fix things and to quote an older post of yours Glamy...Looks fackin' shtoopid.

06-21-2019, 12:26 AM
I think all the 200 series engines I have the decompression works, pull up on the lever and it's easier to pull over the first time around. Never had a 200cc series engine need the decompression lever though, they all seem like moderate compression, nothing enough to need help.

The 350x on the other hand I have 1 that it doesn't work and one that does work. The one that doesn't work you have to get it just past the compression stroke to kick or it might kick back. Other one you just kick it with no care where the engine is at.