View Full Version : Removing bearings from engine cases

02-18-2019, 10:30 AM
Whats the best way to do this? Oven? If so how hot? Puller?


02-18-2019, 11:06 AM
A little bit of map gas on the case only surrounding the bearing and a blind bearing puller for the bearings in a pocket . If exposed both sides just find a socket or piece of steel tubing to knock them out .
I have done the oven trick as well at around 400 degrees but the torch is much faster IMO and I just do one bearing at a time .

02-18-2019, 11:23 AM
That shell needle bearing we were talking about earlier is the only one I’ve ever had issue with. It takes a blind bearing puller.
All the others come out pretty easy.
I use a heat gun and warm the case up. I have a thick rubber mat on my work bench. Usually one or two firm whaps and the bearing falls out. Reinstallation is easy. Leave the bearing in the freezer a while and warm up the case the same way, they all but fall in place.

02-18-2019, 12:16 PM
Ok thanks! I just knocked out one of the mainshaft bearings. It came out super easy with no heat. Like I was able to use a piece of wood and just lightly tap all around it till it came out. Shouldn't they be in there a bit tighter? Doesn't look like the bearing spun in there, but hard to say. Maybe that's just how they are?

02-18-2019, 12:17 PM
Also along these lines...how loose are the crank bearings supposed to be? The flywheel side one is pretty tight, but the crank side just slips in there pretty easy. And has what appears to be a tiny amount of play. Is this normal for them to be loose? Am I worrying too much?

I have som bearing retainer locktite...but not sure if Honda left these tolerances a bit loose on purpose because of the aluminum case and steel crank expansion when heated?

edit: It appears to be @ 0.001-0.0016" clearance between bearing and case.