View Full Version : 1985 125M axle drum FROZE, wont budge!

tri guy
07-21-2018, 09:41 PM
Hello . What would prevent the removal of the brake drum off a 85 red 125M ? Do I need a puller ? The Axle wont even turn at all. I have the rear brake componants disconnected too btw

tri guy
07-22-2018, 09:50 AM
So far I have noticed the brake shoes in the rear drum are not moving a bit. The brake arm is also very frozen so that makes me think the arm is the primary cause of the problem. I guess for now Ill have to work on getting the brake arm free. But it just makes it even MORE difficult when I cant see the brake cam thru a hole in the drum !! Any suggestions ?? Heat? PB blaster? Pipe wrench? Hammer ?
Earlier I used a hammer and punch on the drum to maybe make it turn a smidge , NOTHIN. I even put a 18 inch pipe wrench on the flange of the brake drum and nothin! I mean it is FROZE!
This is torture and its the only thing keeping me from the first test ride on my new machine !Help!

07-22-2018, 11:01 AM
Penetrating oil all over any part of the cam that you can access and then wait. Might take a day or two sometimes and multiple applications but that's how it goes. I wouldn't use heat until you've tried the penetrating oil. Try tapping the brake arm with a deadblow or a wood block back and forth (lightly) after it's been soaking in that oil.

I accidentally broke a drum once beating on it with a punch so be careful with that

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tri guy
07-25-2018, 05:03 PM
Yes sir we got it !!I have now learned all about the rear axle and ( I think ) all the components . I got it all back together ( correctly ) and even got to take it for a spin before the new brakes and bearings come in ! Pretty darn happy !! Thanks all you 3 wheelin maniacs ! Iron chop !!