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07-21-2018, 08:08 PM
So I’ve had my 200x since December. It’s always been easy to start, just never really ran great. Anything past 1/4 throttle was sketchy. Always thought the carb needs adjusted. Well I’m at St. Joes State Park in misery, I meant Missouri. Was riding with my son and my trike just died. Wouldn’t start. So I towed it back to camp. After a couple hours I decided to try again. Put the choke in what I know now is off and started and has been running better than ever. I’ve been running on half choke since I got it. Never felt so stupid.

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07-21-2018, 11:51 PM
If that's the dumbest thing you've done you're doing OK

07-22-2018, 08:59 AM
It's too lean. Clean carb jet it don't let gas in tank more then two weeks unless running stablizer in each full up.

07-22-2018, 01:53 PM
I did the same thing right before trikefest. It had been a few months since I rode my 185s. I started it and took it for a test ride a couple weeks before hand and it ran and rode great. I noticed the seal around the decompression lever leaking so I got a new seal, some springs for the chain tensioner and fresh oil.
My next day off I fixed everything changed the oil and tried to start it for a test ride and it wouldn't start. After draining the tank and refilling it still wouldn't start. Long story short I washed the trike before putting it away so it would be clean for trikefest. I let it idle to dry off (with the choke on accidently) and cut the fuel, I thought it died because it ran out of fuel I was wrong I fouled the plug . I put a new one in and she was back to running great. So your not alone.