View Full Version : Need Help with Yamaha kill switch

04-28-2017, 11:28 AM
So I'm not 100% sure what happened, but after some time my kill switch on my 225dx collapsed into itself. It sort of worked, but last night I was messing around with it and took it apart. When I did the red button and the piece of copper it was connected to fell out. Now for the life of me I can't figure out how it goes back in. It appears that it just sticks up there, but when you go to use it it just falls down and is unusable. Is there something on the backside that gives it pressure to hold it up? I looked on the floor to see if anything fell and it's rather there wasn't anything or I'm missing it. I've tried looking for it on a parts diagram, but I'm not find a good exploded view. Anyone have any insight or experience?

El Camexican
04-28-2017, 06:41 PM
If memory serves me right that brass plate was attached by means of a hole in the plate that fit over a pin that was molded into the body of the switch housing and then the pin was melted and that is what held the pin in place. If that pin has broken off you will need to try something else like a tiny screw, or some JB Weld.

If you think I'm mistaken put a few pictures of it up.

They do come up on eBay for as little as $20 used and $75 new if you're interested in going that route. Here's one now...

http://www.ebay.com/itm/1986-yamaha-ytm225-left-switch-on-off-start-lights-/262950264463?hash=item3d390e9e8f:g:UjAAAOSwBOtY~Qu Y&vxp=mtr