View Full Version : Honda atc 185

04-23-2017, 08:30 PM
Hi all,
I bought a honda 185 and I have a few questions about the bike. I have had the bike for 3 days now and I like it alot. Its a lot more fun then any quad I have ever ridden. It's a ruff ride sence there is not a suspension, but man it is fun.

First what are the carb settings for the bike specifically for the mixture screw?

Second I want to check the timing on the bike so is there a PDF of the manual online I could look at?

Today I got a flat on one of my balloon tires any one have any luck fining new tires for these bikes?

Any one build a suspension on one of thes bikes or should I buy a 200x frame and put my engine on it?

04-24-2017, 09:00 AM
Get a manual for your bike. It has all the carb settings and timing procedures, and much more. A manual can be found at


Do you think your ignition or valve timing is off on your bike? If valve timing, just be careful adjusting it if you havent done this before...make sure you follow the manual to a T, I believe this is an interference engine so you would not want to crunch your valves. Otherwise, if it is ignition timing, and you mess with the rotor under the case that says CDI, be careful because that rotor CAN be installed 180 deg the wrong way. Then it will spark fine but fire when the valves are open and piston is down, obviously not gonna work. Also make sure to scribe a mark on the plate and rotor so you know where it goes.

Cant you just get a tube for your tire? As long as its got decent tread thats what I would do. Otherwise there are lots of places that carry those tires. Just get the size of the sidewall and do a google search. Ebay has lots too.

04-24-2017, 09:49 AM
Tubes should always be a last resort! Tubes are terrible! Tire plugs are the way to go. Are your tires 25" or 22"? The Cheng Shin knobbie is going to be your best bet for tires. I know they still come in 22" but I don't know about 25".

04-24-2017, 08:48 PM
They are 25". The guy I bought it from put one new tire on one side so I would like to find another new tire.
The valve stem on the tire is messed up so I could put a tube in it if all else fails.

I want to check the ignition timing because the guy replaced some components. He did a very poor job with the carb he replaced. The idle and mixture screws were turned all the way in. The float hight was also to low.

04-24-2017, 10:17 PM
Did you try searching for the exact same tire to match the one he replaced, or do you want two new ones? You could always put the one existing new one on the front and acquire two other new ones for the rear.

04-25-2017, 09:51 AM
yes cheng shin knobbies all the way they are the closest to the ohtsus where ride is concerned. They do come in 25-12-9 I know I have them on my atc 200m.

04-25-2017, 11:48 AM
Is this one of the early ATC 185 that are more of an orange color? Those are great trikes! Pics?

The idle speed and mixture screws are basically "set to best" - set the idle speed, turn the mixture screw in until the idle drops, turn it out until idle drops again, set roughly between the extremes.
Two turns out on idle mixture is generally a good place to start.

And x4 or whatever on the Cheng Shin 829 knobbies if you cant match what you have.

I built this 90/110 with 22x11x8 Cheng Shins all around 829 on th efront, 828 "Lumberjack" on the back:
242357 242358 242359 242360 242361

04-25-2017, 09:50 PM
I'm not sure what I'm actually goint to do with tires. I might just throw a tube in the one and call it good or get new ones. I'm kind of leaning toward flat tracks now.

I was asking about the mixture screw settings because the air fuel ratio was to lean. I haven't had to much time to look at the bike I set it to 2 turn like most carbs I do. I had more time to look at it today and I think the rubber boot intake is my problem.

The bike is a 1980 its not in the best shape, but the plastics are decent. I'm working on taking all the black paint that is on them off. The orange looks a lot better then rattle can black. I'll try to add a pic tomorrow.