View Full Version : ATC110 Cuts out when wet

04-02-2017, 12:27 AM
took the atc110 through some water today. as soon as the coil gets a little wet it cuts out and stalls. but will start again after it dries for a minute or two. didnt find any bad wires or anything. what could cause this? points getting wt/ coil getting wet? has no spark when it gets wet. where is a good place to start? where can i find a new coil. 1980 model still has points. any ideas? runs great amd is unstoppable in muddy water until the plug wire gets wet.

04-02-2017, 12:50 AM
A little dielectric grease in the coils boot to help maintain a seal might help. Just a suggestion as I've never tried it.

04-02-2017, 01:40 AM
How deep is the water your going through? Deep enough to get in the pull start? I know on my 185s when I used to play in the water crossing in the creek if I let the pull start sit below the water long enough it let water get in through the rope hole and get the stator wet and it would die. Let it sit for five minutes and it would drain and crank up again.

Also, dielectric grease is a good idea for all electrical connectors when you are going through water alot. Fill that spark plug boot with it.

04-02-2017, 09:08 AM
they pullstart did get submereged but thats not when it would give me the problem. if i would go through shallow water in like 2nd gear it would splash up, and as soon as everything gets wet it quits. im going to try the electric grease. where can i get a new coil for this machine. it has the condensor built into it. i have a spare 185s coil laying around.

04-02-2017, 11:34 AM
My 70 would do exactly as Zach described, and for the same resin he described

04-02-2017, 11:56 AM
My 70 would do exactly as Zach described, and for the same reas on as he described