View Full Version : 85 250R RMStator CDI vs OEM BE CAREFUL!

03-18-2017, 07:54 PM
I bought an RMstator CDI (RM02005) years ago and rebuilt the trike before I got to try it. Three years this cdi sat in my work desk drawer. I gave it a try a few weeks ago and damn near lost a leg and pancreas. Of course RMSTATOR blamed the bike, my wiring, the age of the BRAND NEW cdi and gave me the run around. I'm out of warranty; I don't blame them... TEST your parts when you get them!

Anyway here is a potato quality video of the oem timing: (takes a few plays to load properly...)


EDIT:Photobucket doesn't work and only 1 video per post...

03-18-2017, 08:10 PM
Wear your boots! Watch for the timing mark at 1 o'clock... effin'junk! But that spark tho...


03-19-2017, 09:59 AM
Not many people have had satisfactory performance with AM CDI boxes for the 250r, myself included. Some issues are relatively minor, others are more severe. Stick with OEM and get yourself a couple of spares for a rainy day. They don't make them any more so used is our only option. Only other good option is the OEM CR250 ignition setup, but it is more involved and a substantial investment with the downside of no lighting coil in the stator if you need lights functioning on your trike as I do. Upside is that being OEM it WILL work as it should, and all reports I have seen indicate the performance boost is substantial.