View Full Version : Requesting info on atc250r front tires from Cheetah tire co

11-26-2016, 12:15 AM
HI Guys

Just wanted to get some feedback and info on the atc250r front tires that Cheetah tire co reproduces as the original OEM tire grip pattern.
Anyways, I purchased a few replica atc250r front tires from Cheetah and i finally received them but the all of the front tires must have had other heavy products piled on top of them and now they have a funny mis-shape to them.
So my question is will this mis-shape correct itself once I mount/inflate the tires or will it affect the tires performance? The thing that worries me is that I am not going to mount these tires possible for a year or two once my original tires that are currently on the bikes wear out enough to change them out.
It seems like there is a bit of a crease on parts of the middle of tires running surface on the treads and i can't massage the tire enough to get them out by hand. so i be worried or i am just over thinking this and it will correct itself once mounted and inflated.:wondering
Any opinions/advice would be appreciated. Has anyone else has/had this same type of issue with these tires from Cheetah?


11-26-2016, 01:05 AM
Have you tried getting them out in the sun, if there is any sun around your neck of the woods this time of the year. It's currently 34 degrees Celsius here downunder. Lovely!

11-26-2016, 02:29 AM
I also recently purchased a Cheetah front tire that matches your description of the tire. A three dimensional S. I believe the misshape is the result of the way the tires are stacked/stuffed in a container and spent a few months before arriving in the US.

A friend says it should be okay once mounted because its new rubber. Hope it turns out ok.

I'll try to mount the tire soon and get back with you.

11-26-2016, 09:02 AM
Mine was very similar and turned out perfectly after it was mounted.

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11-26-2016, 09:47 AM
HI Guys

Just wanted to get some feedback and info on the atc250r front tires that Cheetah tire co reproduces as the original OEM tire grip pattern.
Anyways, I purchased a few replica atc250r front tires from Cheetah and i finally received them but the all of the front tires must have had other heavy products piled on top of them and now they have a funny mis-shape to them.
So my question is will this mis-shape correct itself once I mount/inflate the tires or will it affect the tires performance? The thing that worries me is that I am not going to mount these tires possible for a year or two once my original tires that are currently on the bikes wear out enough to change them out.
It seems like there is a bit of a crease on parts of the middle of tires running surface on the treads and i can't massage the tire enough to get them out by hand. so i be worried or i am just over thinking this and it will correct itself once mounted and inflated.:wondering
Any opinions/advice would be appreciated. Has anyone else has/had this same type of issue with these tires from Cheetah?


Just a suggestion - do like I did. Swap out the original OEM Dunlops and put them on the shelf. Once they are worn out and gone - they are "GONE". Unless you find a set of NOS Dunlop tires (big $$$). Install the set of Cheetahs - the crease will go away. The Cheetahs look and perform great. You will be happy with your purchase.

Cheers, BK3

11-26-2016, 10:22 AM
I recently received some new tires for my 350x that match the description you just gave on your cheetahs you got. These things looked like that had been sitting at the bottom of the stack pile all dusty and mis shaped. I took them a couple days ago and got them mounted and everything looks and functions correctly. Once you get ready to mount them they will take original shape, so no worries.

11-26-2016, 11:42 AM
What the others said.

When I order tires and have them sent to my house they are basically shrink wrapped. If it's cold out I warm them up in my heated garage or try to put them in front of a window so the sun shines on them, any way you can get them to at least room temp so they will be flexible when you mount them. They'll be fine.

11-26-2016, 04:45 PM
Yea that's just how they ship tires. every single ATV tire I have ever ordered has come that way.

11-26-2016, 05:22 PM
Hi Guys

Thanks for all the your experienced feedback and knowledge on these cheetah tires and their mis-shaped shipping form, its appreciated. I guess i was lucky enough to buy some oem nos ohstu front/rear atc250r/atc350x tires about 7 years ago from the dealer. And those tires were shrink wrapped and had a little deformed shape but nothing to the extent of these cheetahs & they have bounced back to their natural/operating shape. Those I have kept sitting on the rack. Ya right now in my neck of the world its only 4 celsius. I did unwrap them(cheetahs) from their shrink wrap and will keep them in a heat garage at 21 c for a few days and see what happens. I guess I can mount them but I d prefer not too until I need to. I am glad to hear that these tires will restore their proper working shape/function and I am not the only one who had this experience with shipping issues with atv tires and the tires have fit/functioned properly once mounted.
One other question about the cheetah tires wear performance and how fast they were vs how many hrs of riding/type of riding conditions/setting? Do the cheetahs slide the same as the ohstu rear 20x10x9s or have more roll over or are they stiff etc.

Thanks again

11-26-2016, 08:47 PM
Where's the best place to by cheetahs for delivery to Australia. My original 250r tyres need to be replaced, they're still holding air and work ok, just a little cracked, and hard.

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11-26-2016, 08:57 PM
Where's the best place to by cheetahs for delivery to Australia. My original 250r tyres need to be replaced, they're still holding air and work ok, just a little cracked, and hard.

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The 20x10x9 rears are available thru 3ww parts store.

01-30-2017, 01:25 AM
A few weeks ago I took my Cheetah front tire and Honda 350X front wheel to a Discount tire store. First tech tried and couldn't seat both beads. He recommend I leave the tire and wheel with them so they can warm it next to the heater overnight. The next day he and another tech tried and tried. No go. So last week I finally got around to getting an inner tube. Unfortunately, the tube was made in china and blew at around 25 psi when the tire was starting to look normal.
So got a larger tube from the same auto parts store and tried again. The tube was able to form the Cheetah tire into a decently shaped atv tire after leaving next to a heater for five days.
My friend and I were able to seat the beads after some wrestling while using ratchet straps. There were moment when I didn't think we would succeed.
So now she sits next to a heater with 15 psi because there are still some deformities visible. When it warms up around here I hope to install and ride a bit hoping the tire becomes normal.